nine; sleeping away + collaring him [edited]

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thomas' pov

"Wake up," I shook Alex. Slowly and reluctantly, he turned around and stared at me. His eyes were glossy and red and his ears didn't stick up like they normally did when I woke him up, "Good morning." I kissed his nose softly, leaving his face a blushing mess.

"Why am I sleeping on the couch?" Alex asked me, cupping my face. His hands were so small they didn't even cup my entire face and his grip was so bad, I could have easily slipped out of his touch.

"Because yesteday you got mad at me," I whisper, kissing his nose again, "And didn't want to sleep with me."

Alex suddenly remembers, because he turns around and pulls the covers over his body. He faces the couch stubbornly, muttering a few simple words, "I'm still mad at you. Go away." His voice is more of a pout than an angry tone, and I just stay by his side for the next few minutes.

Of course, as expected, he turns around and glares at me.

"What?" I wonder, pinching his cheeks. His ears go up, but his eyes stay glaring.

"I'm mad at you," Alex whispers, "You killed my spider."

"It's just one spider, baby," I whisper back, "We can look for more."

"And you left me in the dark. Alone."

"Next to my dorm building because I thought you were following me."

"I wasn't. I was looking for another spider. One that you didn't murder!" I can't help kissing him. His pouting is adorable, I can't help myself. Alexander huffs, turning away and looking back at the headboard of the couch, "I hate you." He mutters.

"Hey!" I whisper-yell back, "That hurts my feelings. I'll get us a new spider, eh?" He turns around almost immediately, his eyes big and large. I stare into them as he speaks.

"What will we name it?" He asks softly.

"Alexander Hamilton the Second."

"B-But," Alex pouts again, "I'm a Jefferson. Not a Hamilton."

"Aw..." I coo, running my hand over his face. I brush a piece of hair from his forehead, "Don't abandon your name for me. I'd rather be Thomas Hamilton. I like the sound of that, don't you? And we can name our child whatever you want, princess."

Alexander sighs, sitting up. I kneel in front of him while he sits on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and looking down at me, "I want to name our child James. James Hamilton. Thomas Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, and James Hamilton," He sighs, "I just want someone to love me. I'm so selfish, that's practically the only reason I want a family." He looks away, his usual playfulness all gone.

Quickly, I turn his face back to me, "You aren't selfish. You're perfect. Purr-fect."

He purrs at me, "Shut up." I keep my mouth shut for the next few minutes, during which we both get ready. I pull on a t-shirt and jeans, which is strange since I mostly wear sweatpants and sweatshirts. Alex, meanwhile, does wear sweatpants and sweatshirts all the time because of his ears and tail, so I'm not surprised when he wears them today.

"Come on," I mutter as I open the door. The cold air from the hallway bursts into my dorm, and my exposed arms shiver.

"Where are we going?" Alex asks as he follows behind me, a curious expression on his face.


He eyes me, "What time is it?"

"Two in the afternoon," I mumble, "Cats love to get their sleep a little too much, eh?" Alexander glares at me as I turn down the hallway to the elevator. It skits to a halt and opens up. And out steps Aaron.

Neko // Jamilton // Hamilton ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu