twenty-seven; missing sweatshirts + alleyway alex [edited]

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does everyone here hate aaron because that makes me want to stop this book ):

thomas' pov

All my sweatshirts were gone.

They weren't where I usually left them and they weren't thrown in my dresser or hung up on one of the coat hooks I had. Instead, they were nowhere to be found and I was reminded that I was wearing the only one that hadn't been taken.

This was terrible.

Also, Alex was gone.

I assume it was him who took my sweatshirts because I know no one else would. He wore them more than I wore them, he treated them like his own. 

I took off the sweatshirt I had on and placed it on the bed, hoping it would be there the next morning. Alex was honestly probably somewhere hiding. He wasn't the kind of person to just run off and he hadn't been particularly annoyed with me this morning.

"Alex?" I mumbled, going through my apartment one more time. He wasn't anywhere to be found and I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face, "He's good at this." 

I didn't bother looking for him after that. He would come back.

Sitting on the floor in the living room, I studied the material I needed to know. 

My textbook page was barely flipped a few times by me before someone knocked on the door and I had to stand up.

I opened the door without bothering to see who it was. With my luck, it would be Aaron, Theodosia, or both of them at once. 

It was Aaron.

"You look like shit!" He immediately said, smiling right after.

I laughed calmly, not even cracking a smile, "Yeah, thanks."

Aaron's smile fell, "Sorry."

"Yeah, thanks," I said again.

Aaron looked behind me and wrinkled his eyebrows, "Where's Alex? He's usually right next to you, clinging to you like a scared koala."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. If Alex were here, he would be yelling at Aaron to not call him a koala and say he wasn't clingy at all with me or anyone else, "He isn't a koala. Yeah, he's here..." I spoke rather loudly, "Hiding from me."

"Really?" Aaron asked, pushing his way into my dorm before I could stop him, "I saw him run down the street earlier."

I raise an eyebrow, "And you didn't tell me... why?"

"Because I thought he would be back by now." Aaron shrugged his shoulder.

"Did he look sane?" 

"He was crying."

I was silent for a second. I didn't quite understand how it was only me who freaked the hell out when Alex cried. It was like the world was ending and if I didn't do anything, the universe would end as well.

I pulled Aaron back to the doorway and he stood in the hallway, "Aaron, where did he go?"

"I saw him go into an alleyway."

"Send me the directions." I demanded and closed the door in Aaron's face.


i realize i haven't updated in five days

my new year has been very busy

also please send love to aaron

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