prologue; a long story + small kittens [edited]

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thomas' pov

"Who is he?" James pointed to the limp shape on the couch, a curious expression on his face. My own face turns dark as I remember the story I went through to have that exact limp figure resting on my couch.

James was my new classmate. He practically invited himself over as soon as we started talking and decided he was my unofficial study partner before I could even tell the limp shape on my couch about it.

"It's a long story," I respond to James. He follows me into the kitchen, sitting on one of the wooden white bar stools as I make tea. It was the stool the kitten always sat in, but I didn't have the heart to kick the social butterfly off the stool.

"I like stories." He comments. I hum softly, placing the kettle on the stove. He's annoying, however, I will hardly let myself be affected by his words of foolishness.

"This is an especially long one, James." We walk back to the living room, waiting for our tea. The stove must've awakened up the figure because I see a head pop out of the pillows.

He sees James and cuddles up to me. Of course, even when I try to force him, he's bad at talking to new people unless doing it to annoy me.

"Still shy?" I whisper to the small kitten, who only nods his head. I look back up, seeing James watching with interest, "Still interested in the story?" I question him, stroking Alex's head softly as I hum again.

"Always," James answers, but he probably won't be when I kick him out. The kettle lets out a screaming noise, letting me know to turn off the stove. I get up.

"No. Daddy, stay." Alex tugs on my sleeve as I push him to the side. Laughing softly, I carry him to the kitchen with me. This time, James doesn't follow as I prepare our tea. Alex whimpers though, clinging to me.

"Still don't enjoy meeting my friends?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Francis. Memories-"

I don't let him finish, pulling the kitten into a soft kiss instead. He squeaks, but leans in and lets me, joining in after a few seconds. When I pull away, the frown so obvious on his face is gone. I smile happily.

"Madison. Tea!" I call.

He comes into the room and a few moments later and mumbles, "Don't call me Madison. I'm not. a girl." I hum again and put down the cup of tea on the counter. Alex sits down with his back to the wall and watches us from his perch, "I'm still interested in his story." 

"It's a long story," I say again. I'm surprised James didn't scream when he first saw Alex on my couch. I would've screamed if I saw a skinny, slim, small figure sleeping on James' dorm couch.

"I like long stories."

"You've already said that."

He shakes his head, "Just tell me the story, Thomas!"

I make eye contact with Alex, a questioning look dancing across my face. Alex nods cautiously, telling me with his face that I can tell James his tale of terror, abuse, and somehow love.

I nod, turning back to James.



it was a small plot hole that aaron met alex twice, so i had to change this person to james lol

if there are any more mistakes, comment. i'll fix them right away this time since i'm editing. 

Neko // Jamilton // Hamilton ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें