Chapter 16: Maybe... Kora?

Start from the beginning

Victor closed the fridge and turned around to look at the two. "I'm here to pick you up and..." He paused, to fill the room with suspense. "I'm here to help you guys find the person who made that f****** rumor" The two teenagers glanced at the other and a smirk appeared on each faces in the room.

--At J.C.H--

The three of them arrived at school in Vic's blue car. Dick and Kory still weren't there so they decided to wait next to the car. "Do you guys have any ideas of who could have made this thing up?"

"Adam?" Logan proposed. Rach and the tall boy stared at one another then at their friend.

They shook their heads. "No, not with the face he made yesterday. He didn't know, believe me Gar" The footballer told to his new best friend. "Anyway, I think we should enter, we have 5 minutes to go to class guys"

The purple haired teen started to panic. "I-I don't know what to do... What are they all going to say when we'll enter the school?" The poor girl had already lived this, but she didn't want to live it again. It only remembered her of how Adam made rumors about her and their relationship and how he drugged her, undressed her, raped her. It made her panic, she felt as if it was happening all over again, just without the three last things. Gar came closer and patted her back to calm her down. "What if we don't find who said these things? I don't want to live this again, the rumors. And with that, even Kory as no respect for me. She called me a s***" Said Roth, looking at the ground.

Victor frowned. "SHE SAID WHAT? Why the hell would Kory even say something like that? It's not like her at all" The two others shrugged, making the tall teen sigh. He decided to talk about Kory later. "They'll all forget about it in a week or two, unless there's a new rumor of course. People only care about this right now, but when there'll be something new going on, nobody will care about you two" She smiled at him, feeling a little bit better.

"Hello friends, what are you the talking about?" Richard and Kory arrived.

Gar pulled Rachel closer to him and looked at Kory with anger in his emerald eyes. "Can't you just leave Rae alone? I think you already said enough Kory" Dick made a confused face and took a glance at Kory.

"What did she said?" Vic looked very angry too and decided to answer Dick's question for Gar and Rach. "She said that Rachel was a s***" Richard gasped and was really annoyed by what he had just learned. "Kory, why would you say something like that?"

Kory started to regret what she said even more, she sighed. "Well... isn't it the truth? I mean, weren't you two dating" Richard and Rachel looked at her with obvious disgust on their faces.

"Um no" The purple haired girl simply answered. "You should know that Kory"

Kory felt embarrassed. "I-I... but Kora said" Richard looked in the red haired girl's direction.

"What did she told you again?" He asked her.

Anders looked at her friends with even more embarrassment, she had her face in her hands as she was shaking her head. "She told me that you two were doing the dating... I didn't believe her at the beginning b-but she kept on repeating it until I believed her" The others had wide eyes.

Dick decided to break the silence. "And what about the rumor? You still said that Rachel-" He was interrupted by his crush.

"She told me that she was one... but I didn't mean it at all" The red haired teen walked closer to Rachel and hugged her. "I am the sorry friend Rachel, I didn't mean to hurt you, in fact, I would never hurt my friends on purpose! Please can you forgive me friend?" Rae glanced at Gar for an advice and he only nodded at her.

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