Chapter 9: Slaughter

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Doomslayer's POV

I am walking to a city, called Manehattan. My pace was fast, because my bloodlust was of the charts and I was smiling under my mask. Animals even ran away when I was nearing them. Then I saw it, the city in it's full glory. That glory wont last for long.

I take out the BFG and overcharge a shot. The projectile flies at the gates and disintegrates it completely. I walk through the gates with the bloodlust practically oozing of my body. The guards rushed at me, so I picked up an earth pony and start to whack all the guards with her. After a few groups, she was near death and I kicked her into the sky. I grab my shotgun and start mowing down all the guards so I can reach the central part of the village.

I see 4 guards with titanium armor in red, black, white, and green. They were 2 (W and G) ponies, (R) a fox girl and (B) a bat girl.
"We will end your terror here, Doomslayer."
"We will not let you continue your vile ways."
"We will bring you to our Princesses."
"We will first have som fun with you."
I was getting bored of this, so I grabbed both my Dark Sword and Holy sword and engage the guards into a sword fight. Block, thrust, parry and dodge. It quickly became a cycle for me. While they had the numbers and skill. I had way more raw power. I dodged a sword swipe and got behind the green guard. I thrust my hand into her back , break her spine while doing that and grab her hart. I pull it out and her organs come out of her like a rope. I dropped the heart and stomped on it.

1 down, 3 to go

The white guard jumped on my armor and tried to slice my throat. It would work, if I didn't know something like this could've happened. I disarm her and throw her on the ground. She stands up and I start to pound on her armor. After hitting her for a bit and turning her insides into mashed potatoes, I step back and I see that she is still standing. But after a few swings back and forward, she falls onto the ground.

2 down, 2 to go

The red guard attacks me with a spear and the black guard attacks me aerial attacks. I tackle the red guard and grab her head. I hit her head in the ground...again...and again...and again and again until only her skull was visible on her face.

3 down, 1 to go

I need to finish this girl now. I managed to hit hear in mid air and grab her tits. I rip them off, eliciting a scream of pain from the girl. Then I curb stomp her vagina making her scream again. I break her limbs and turn her on her belly. I grab a rope and put it on her eyes. I twist it on a stick and start to twist the rope. The rope start to tear through her eyes painfully. She starts to scream and beg for mercy. But I didn't care. After a few more twists the rope broke, causing her to fall on the ground. Her eyes were in her brains and her brains were mashed together. I go into the town hall and take out a grenade. I pump it full of argent energy. I put it on the ground and run away.

Half a kilometer away.

I stopped running and turned around. A red mushroom suddenly showed up with a massive gust of wind. I smiled under my mask. Thats one village. Now I need do destroy the rest of the cities for the liberation of mankind.

Rip and Tear to freedom ! ( a DOOM x Monster girl quest x My Little Pony fanficWhere stories live. Discover now