Harry didn't answer to begin with, but he was ripped from his murderous thoughts when he heard Ron say "Boss?"

"We'll grab her at the end of the feast." He agreed "She has what our Lord wants back."

There was a moment of silence from the people closest to him but they were all loyal so he could afford not to care. As if she could sense that there was a change in the air she turned as saw them looking at her, the fear on her face was evident to everyone who was looking but she was quick to duck behind the crowd of her housemates and they lost sight of her.

Having to wait until the end of the feast was torture, Harry's eye was twitching the entire time. The Diary was finally in reach and he knew where, but he couldn't do anything, or he would draw unwanted attention. So, when the feast finally ended, he immediately jumped up and headed towards the Gryffindor table, closely followed by his friends. When Cedric saw what was going on he rushed to get up and assist but by that point it was too late, when they reached the stairs she was already gone.

Just disappeared, it seemed like he was going to have a hard time catching her. But he was looking forward to it, if nothing else he would get some entertainment and a step closer to the diary.


Harry was sitting on his bed in his room, looking down at the pieces of parchment in his hands, they were and update on what was going on with his accounts. However, they also contained a document of particular note. His name had changed. 

He was no longer legally called Harry Potter, but instead Harry Peverell Potter Slytherin Mort. Below was an explanation for the placement of the names and their order.

 It read, "Dear Sir Mort, I write to you to inform you of a lot of happenings here at the bank. We have been working to recover what is yours that was stolen under our watch and I gladly report that almost all of it has resurfaced. We have noticed the support from your fathers, the Dark Lord, side and while we will choose to remain impartial on the surface it should be know to you and your father at least that it has not gone unnoticed; our support can be counted on in less obvious ways. The recent return of a Goblin artifact by his Lordship has been greatly appreciated by us all. We are currently working to secure all your accounts and the Dark Lords. In light of the current political climate we are doing our best to hide the changes from those who you would prefer remained ignorant. Further updates and account statements shall be sent to you as the situation develops. 

The name was put together by your father, he chose the order of names to reflect your heritage and the bloodlines you belong too. the two middle names are not likely to be known by anyone but the Bank and the Ministry. Holding onto the names is vital as names are power in of themselves.

On a personal note, Young Lord, I wish to thank you for the new office and promotion in the bank. Your influence greatly helped. 

Yours sincerely, Griphook."

Harry took a deep breath and looked up, not knowing how to feel. his heart was pounding and his chest felt tight, but he couldn't tell if it was from excitement or panic. Probably both, he had never been able to understand himself, but that's normal. Standing he paced up and down the room, adrenaline soaking his brain and nerves. 

He stared blankly out the window at the city the merfolk lived in, watching he giant squid swim lazily by. There were small noises coming from the library, another shipment of books had arrived and they were being sorted through by the four elves. For a moment he reflected on his past, in the short time he had been on the planet he had encountered unique and harmful situations at a near constant rate, until a year and a bit ago he couldn't see his life ever improving. He had almost given up hope, but the little acts of kindness that kept him afloat and the warmth of strangers managed to get him to 11 years old. 

Now that he had power, was loved and loved others he was going to do everything in his power to be the prince his father needs, the friend Hermione, Draco and Ron need, the person to help his father lead and to help him see reason when needed. Because as even his father had confided in him once on a cold night at the end of summer, love is stronger than anything. Although Harry had seen the distaste his dad had shown in agreeing with Dumbles it was still that the Dark Lord and Light Lord agreed on a few things. "Love breeds loyalty, love inspires, love drives. Even if fear is a large part of my power over my death eaters they have to at some level respect and love me or it will all fall apart."

A deep breath and a moment to center himself later he turned from the window and padded across the carpet to where Ouro lay. He carefully picked him up and at the warms of the snake felt him self calm. 

A smile spread over his face almost unbeknownst to him, he was finally sure, finally rid of his fear, finally healthy, loved and happy. 

God help the light.

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