Chapter 3: The Wicked Revenge

Start from the beginning

       "I'm going to talk to the weapon smith, and see if I can't get my sword sharpened, maybe some shot for my pistol as well. I'll be back" as he walked off, Christopher looked at Les.

       "I'm sorry they did that to you, I can't believe they would lie to me like that." He said. "I'm in."

       Les looked up, and smiled "I'm glad to have you aboard." He reached over and shook Chris' hand.

       Just then they heard quite the ruckus over by the docks. The two of them stood up to go see what was going on. As they got closer they could make out the voice of Mollie, the resident Chief Trader for the Merchant Alliance, shouting something about 'The Merchant's Fortune' and 'illegitimate cargo' before they saw John swiftly walking away from the docks, red in the face, and hand on his cutlass.

       "What was that all about?" asked Chris.

       "They recognized me, from my old crew. We stole merchant cargo from other ships in the alliance, and sold it as our own, on our contracts." He replied, "I thought ole "Irongrasp" Jim covered it up better, but I suppose not. We need to get out of here, and soon." Les looked at Christopher,

       "Take him back to the rowboat, I'm going to grab my pistol, and equipment really quick, and I'll be over there to formulate a plan"

       The three of them separated. Les went to the tavern, and walked up the creaky stairs, where he and his father had a room. It wasn't much, but it was home. He grabbed a large cloth sack off the floor, and threw in his compass, spyglass, and other odds and ends, including some extra clothes. He grabbed the holster for his pistol, and glanced over at his father's end table by the bed. Through the gaps in the wood he could see a faint blueish-green glow. He walked over, opened the drawer, and was greeted with an eyepatch. Just like the one worn by John, it bore the insignia of a Pirate Legend. He was confused, his father was a merchant, never a pirate, why would he have this eyepatch? He decided now wasn't the time to figure it out, and hastily put the eye patch on, and ran back towards the row boat, where he saw Chris and John talking to one another.

       "I'm back" he said, "What did I miss?"

       "We have a plan" said John, nodding at a large black and gold galleon rolling into port. She slowly, and majestically sailed into port, bearing a yellow flag, plain red sails, a black hull with golden trim, and a solid gold lion embellishing her bow.

       "We're going to steal that ship" Chris said, with a grin on his face.

       "And how the hell do you two think we'll do that?" asked Les. "That ship is probably chock full of defenses"

       "She's a merchant vessel, likely out of The Ancient Isles, judging by her flag. I think I've seen this ship before" said John. "The galleons make the longer runs. With larger crews, and more defenses, they don't have to worry about pirates. That being said, once they reach port, they let their guard down. No captain expects to be ambushed by pirates at an outpost."

       "So what then? We ambush them, clear the deck, and hope to get away with the ship?" asked Les.

       John laughed, "No mate, ye have much to learn. We do it quietly."

       "You and I will distract her crew." said Chris "John will swim around the island, and climb aboard the ship, opposite the docks, so he isn't seen. Once the anchor is up, he'll light the lantern on the stern of the ship."

       "Once that's done, you all push the crew out of the way, and run to the ship." John added. "When you're aboard we set off."

       "What about my belongings?" asked Les, "How do I get those on board?"

       "I'll take 'em with me. I don't be a stranger to swimming with cargo" John answered. As he finished, the three of them heard the ships bell ring, as she came to a stop at the dock. Les looked at the crew, and nodded.

       "Let's get us a ship."

       John began swimming, while Les and Chris started towards the docks. Sure enough three well-dressed sailors climbed down, with goods in hand, sugars, spices, and silks.

       "Ahoy friends! Welcome to Sanctuary Outpost! What brings you to the Shores of Plenty?!" asked Christopher. The merchant crew looked at him suspiciously, as they dropped their cargo off to the merchant."

       "We're just here on contract. Had some cargo that needed to be delivered here, we're really too busy to talk mates." Said a tall one, in a blue coat, and feathered hat, presumably the captain. As they turned to leave, Les tried his hand at distracting them.

       "Where are you all from? Care for a drink at the George and Kraken? On me!"

       "We really aren't thirsty mates, we've got cargo to deliver, so please leave us be." As the captain finished what he was saying, the light on the stern of the ship lit up, and Les glanced at Christopher.

       The two of them sprinted down the docks, and the merchant crew turned around, confused, as Les and Chris ran towards them. The captain glanced at Les, and saw his eyepatch. When he realized what it was, he quickly drew his pistol, and pointed it down the docks. As soon as the hammer was cocked, a gunshot ripped through the air, and the captain shouted in pain, as he dropped his pistol and clenched his hand. The other two merchants turned to see John by the cannons reloading his pistol. As they began down the dock to retake their ship, they were pushed aside by Les and Christopher, and knocked into the water.

       "Unfurl the mizzen mast John!" shouted Les. "We can make it!" The ships rearmost sail unfurled, and the galleon began creeping away from the dock. Les reached the end of the dock first, and jumped, grabbing onto the starboard ladder as he came down. Chris followed shortly thereafter, landing just barely on the last plank of the ladder and climbing up. Once he approached the top, Les reached his hand out and pulled his friend aboard.

       "And that, is how to take a ship" Said John, with a sly grin on his face. Les smiled, as they gained distance on the outpost. The wind was heading in an eastward direction, while the ship moved south.

       "Full sail! Unfurl the mains and fore, and trim us to the wind!" he shouted. Chris and John ran down the deck, dropping sails, and adjusting their angle to the wind. The sails snapped into full billow, and the ship lurched just slightly, as the wind propelled the large vessel forward at incredible speeds.

       "We'll need to take her to an outpost, and have her refitted." Said John, "Probably get new sails, and have her repainted. You don't want her being tracked down"

       "Aye, that's a fair point" replied Les. "Where would you have me go?"

       "Galleon's Grave." Answered John, "My last crew called that port home. The merchants there are more... corrupt, than other outposts." He grinned and proceeded down the stairs, towards the bow of the ship. Les turned the wheel a few degrees to the port, to change course towards The Wilds, as Christopher approached him.

       "Well captain, what be the name of your fine pirate ship?" He asked, patting his friend on the back. Les thought for a moment...

       "The Wicked Revenge" he replied, grinning. Just then, John ran back to the helm, from the bow of the ship.

       "Someone is on board, below decks." He said, "I guess they had one more aboard."

       The three of them slowly creeped towards the stairs to the middeck and sure enough, there were footsteps. They sounded as if they were in the belly of the ship, but slowly they began to get closer. The three of them stood above the stairs on the deck, so that when the stowaway climbed the stairs his back would be to them. John drew his pistol, and cocked the hammer, as Les and Chris both drew a cutlass. Sure enough, a broad-shouldered man, with a large feathered hat, and expensive merchant rags walked up the stairs. When he reached the top, he looked at his surroundings, confused, and still not aware of the pirates behind him. Then he turned, and saw the crew who stole his ship. He was silent for a moment, before uttering three words at the thieves...

       "What the hell?"    

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