Danie saw Harry walk into the first aid tent and followed after them. " Harry that was brilliant! I'm so proud of you! Oh my gosh your shoulder are you ok!" Danie went for excited to proud to worried in 5 seconds. " I'm ok it's just a scratch." He tried to calm his sister. It was nice having someone worry about him like this. Like a parent or well in this case an older sister. " Last year dementors, this year dragons! What are they going to bring to this school next" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed disgusted. She looked at Harry's shoulder with care. " You're lucky , very lucky. This is quite shallow" she gestured Harry to sit down. " I'll have to clean it before healing. Now sit down!" Harry did as he was told. The two of them noticed Cedric across the room. He seemed to be alright. Well as alright as someone who just fought a dragon can be. " You where amazing Harry, they would be so proud" Danie smiled and ruffled his hair. Harry smiled at her. He knew who she was talking about. "That was brilliant Harry!" Hermione said as she walked into the first aid tent Ron close behind. " Harry" Ron looked incredibly nervous. " I reckon you have to be bloody mad to put your own name in the goblet" Ron said shyly. " You think " Harry replied. In that moment it was as if the past few months of arguing had never happened. " You two are so stupid" Hermione yelled at them and started crying. Danie started to rub her back. They all smiled at eachother. Ron went on to tell Harry about what the other Champions had did to pass the dragons. Cedric transfigured a rock into a dog to distract the Dragon. Fleur use charm to make the dragon sleep and Viktor just shot the dragon in the eye with a attack spell. Once Harry's shoulder was healed they four of them walked outside to see Harry's score. mademoiselle Maxine gave chin and 8, from Dumbledore and Crouch a 9 from Bagman a 10 and from karkaroff a 4. Ron was not happy about Karkaroffs score to Harry. Though Harry didn't seem to care either way. However this gave Harry a total of 100 points. Harry was just happy to have Ron back. Not only that but Gryffindor made it clear that they were still on his side whether they believe him or not. " Your tide for first place with Krum" Charlie exclaimed. Running over to them. listen I've got to run I just got to go and send Mom an owl I swore I tell her what happened but that was unbelievable" he ruffled Harry's hair. Danie walked up to him and smacked him in the arm. " Ow what was that for" he said with a chuckle. " Putting my brother in danger with your freaky pets!" Danie wasn't really angry she just had a lot of pent up energy. " Technical it was the dragons fault not me" he laughed and with that he was off to go and write to Mrs. Weasley.

* * *

The golden trio ran off to the owlry well Danie and a few other Gryffindors helped set up the common room. Fred and George got back from the kitchen with the food. " Excellent that's everything" Danie took our her wand and levitated the dishes of food out of the boys hands and on to table in a orderly fashion. Everything was coming together. " Your really getting good with those nonverbal spells" Fred commented walking over to the custard. " Yeah" Danie smiled. Fred was getting a bit too close to the custard. Danielle had a sneaking suspicion I was going to do something to it. She was about to walk over when George came over and spun her around."Gggeeooorrrge !" He let her go and she fell into Fred's arms. " I do believe you're following for me Miss. Potter" Fred winked. " You wish. She stood up," oh, oh Harry's coming!" Danie yelled. And soon enough Harry Ron and Hermione walked into the common room. All the gryffindor's applauded and cheered. The party was amazing so much joy and happiness exploding in one room. A few hours in to the party, Lee picks up the golden egg that Harry stole form the dragon." This thing is heavy" he laughed " You should open it Harry!" A few people said. " Yeah open it Harry." Hermione disagreed but was over ruled by literally everyone else. Lee handed Harry the golden egg. Harry held the egg and followed the decorative engravings on the egg. She turned the start shape nob on the top of the egg and for the egg the most horrific sound came for it. " Shut it!" yelled Fred. With that Harry quickly closed it. "What was that?!" Asked Seamus Finnigan "sounded like a banshee and maybe you've got to get past one of those next Harry" said Dean Thomas." it's someone being tortured" said Neville how looked horrified going host white. "they're going to have to fight the Cruciatus curse!". " Don't be a prat Neville, that's illegal" George said. Danie gave George a warning look and rubbed Neville's shoulder. She was aware of what happened to his parents. George just ignored her look. " they wouldn't use the cruciatus curse on the Champions, I thought it sounded like Percy singing maybe you got to attack him while he's singing in the shower Harry!" The room fills with light laughter. Fred went to talk to Hermione about food or the kitchen..something of the sorts. George pulled Danie to the side. " What's the look for, got a thing for Longbottom?" He asked half joking. " Do you know why Neville lives with his grandmother?" Danielle asked. " No, but you clearly do" The strawberry blonde haired girl sighed. " His parents where tortured into Insanity using the cruciatus curse" George was shocked by this. " You didn't do anything wrong just be careful how lightly you take the curses " Danie advised. " How do you know about what happened to Neville's parents?" George asked. Danielle grow up around auras and the order of the Phoenix. But she couldn't tell him about that. Or anyone for that matter. " Our parents knew eachother." Danie looked at Harry laughing at Neville's unfortunate mistake of eating the cured custard. " In a nother life Harry and Neville could have grown up together" the thought made her smile would have her parents were never killed. What if Neville's parents were never cursed. What if Harry grew up in the wizarding world. " Common let's get back to the party" George took her hand and dragged her out of their corner.

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