Chapter One

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chapter by Kat & Sal, edited by Sal *

Chapter One

The next morning was a gloomy, rainy day. I looked at the clock sitting on the desk beside me, and noticed two things... One, we had fallen asleep on the couch and two, it was 8:30 A.M. and that was not okay!

"Sal!" I screamed "Get your butt off of that couch! We have stuff to do today!". She flinched and glared at me. "You know people are trying to sleep here" Sal said, yawning loudly "You could have at least woken me up nicely".

I restrained myself from saying a quick comeback and pushed my lousy dog off of my lap. I ran around trying to get my coat, shoes, guns, and my favorite, the bow which I have yet to come up for a name for yet.

Sal was slowly doing the same. "Where's the ammo?!" I shrieked frantically. "I thought you had it" Sal grumbled slowly. "What?! I..." I started, and before I could finish, she threw the clip to me and chuckled loudly.

"That's not funny" I growled. She grinned up at me "But you smiled anyway" she laughed. I ignored her and made my way down the ladder, into the pouring rain. We already assigned our jobs and I wasn't about to keep talking about nonsense.

My job was to go to the markets and get whatever supplies that I could find (a serious job I might add). Sals' job was to stay at the tree house and fix everything up.. And keep look out (not as dangerous as my job but still risky).

As I got to the bottom I heard Sal yell something. "What was that?" I called back up to her. She peeked over the edge. "I saaaid... Forgetting something?" she retorted sarcastically.

I frowned. "Nooo, I don't think so?" I replied back slowly, checking all the stuff I had. "Think again!" she yelled, smiling evilly as she threw the walkie talkie at me. I caught it just in time.

"Please be careful Kat!" she called out softly. "Yeah, yeah! I will, don't worry!" I yelled back sarcastically. "Just keep watch and I'll radio in if I need help".

She snorted as we said our goodbyes, and then I was off down the muddy trail around the lake to town. "First stop.. The pharmacy" I whispered to myself.

"Everything's gonna be just fine....".

I walked down the muddy trail for about fifteen minutes, by now my boots were caked with mud, grass, and leaves of all types. I froze as a bunch of twigs snapped all around me, I held my breath and listened.

The moaning and groaning of the horde of zombies from yesterday filled the air. "Crap!" I cursed. I frantically grabbed my gun and the walkie talkie from my pack. "Sal! I need you!!!" I screamed into the walkie talkie. "Hurry!".

I shoved it back into the pack and quickly ran out into the open. The town of Lakeside was already filled with trash, dirt, and grime. It looked like a mini war zone.

I gasped as a the heavy thud of a falling zom sounded behind me. I ran to the nearest building with a ladder on it. I climbed it quickly, but about half way up one of the zom's grabbed my ankle with it's disgusting, rotted hand.

"Aargh" I gasped. I kicked at it and it lost it's grip on my ankle. "Haha! You suck you stinking corpses!" I taunted loudly, laughing hysterically. I looked around me and felt the blood drain from my face.

"Oh no".


I was fixing the bent barrel of my gun when the walkie talkie buzzed to life. "Sal! I need you!!!!" Kat screamed, the sounds of a horde of zombies sounded loud; they must be attacking her. "Hurry!" she screamed again.

I dropped my gun and ran to the weapons closet. I flung the door open and grabbed a few things consisting of: grenades, extra ammunition, my sawed shotgun, my bow, and an array of knives and machetes.

I strapped them to me quickly and ran to get a first aid kit and water. I slid down the metal pole we had installed and slid quickly to the ground. Trouble barked loudly as she lept from the bushes and ran along side me.

"C'mon Trouble! Kat's in trouble!" I yelled to her. She barked as if in reply and sped up as I ran faster towards Lakeside. We slipped and slid along the muddy path a bit but never once faltered in our steps.

I yelped and tried to slide to a stop before we emerged from the forest, falling into a zombie in the process. "Shiznit!" I shrieked, plunging a knife into the zombies skull. Its' groans faded away as I silenced it.

I looked up at Kat, frozen on top of the pharmacy. "D@mmit!" I cursed loudly.

Making every zombie turn towards Trouble and I....

"Well isn't this quite a tea party?" I sang out sarcastically. The rotting zombies were walking slowly towards me with their arms outstretched. I pulled out a machete and my pistol quickly to cut the first one done. It's dark blood and pieces of it's skull splattered across my favorite t-shirt.

Completely ruining it... I shrieked with rage and started swinging the machete and firing the pistol at the same time; if they could be caught off guard, they would be caught off guard right now.

I kept hacking and shooting at the zombies but it soon was no use: there were too many for me to  I started moving forward to clear a path to the ladder. "Kat! Snap out of it!" I screamed at her.

She blinked rapidly, coming out of her daze. "Cover me!!" I yelped, as my pistol clicked. She looked at me and her eyes widened.

"Fudge!" she shouted. I rolled my eyes as she began shooting them down while they advanced on me. "Yup! I'm just full of it!" I joked. She rolled her eyes but concentrated on shooting them down. I climbed up quickly and stood beside her.

The street was now filled with the corpses of the zombies and the zombies themselves. Blood seeped along the ground and pooled into large puddles. There was still a sea of zombies moving our way.

Kat grabbed a grenade and activated it before throwing it in the middle of the horde. I did the same but to the back and front before grabbing her and ducking under a cement seat.

The building shook as the grenades exploded, throwing dirt and pieces of the once solid zombie horde into the air. We looked over the edge to see a few stragglers still intact, clawing at the air at us. Kat quickly took them down with her bow and sighed.

"Sorry about that, don't know what came over me" she mumbled. I grinned "There was a lot of those suckers huh?". She stared at me before bursting out laughing "Yeah! You should have seen your face!" she chuckled.

I shook my head but laughed as well. "Well... At least the bloody rain has stopped!" I cheered enthusiastically. We laughed at ourselves and climbed down the ladder. Our boots thunked and squished as we hit the cement ground.

"What were you looking for anyway?" I asked slowly. She shrugged "The good stuff before anyone else raided the stores". I frowned. "But... There is no one else".

"Is that what you really think?" a voice called from inside the store. We froze and stared at the store, kat mouthed 'What do we do?' I shrugged and gestured to the door.

I mouthed 'We investigate'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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