Dirt & Grime: Prolouge

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In the beginning we were normal teenagers, sitting in our Spanish class during 3/28/14 2:33 P.M. We were taking a practice test which was supposed to be completely silent. I made faces at Kat, trying to make her burst out laughing as she did the same. Suddenly, screams filled the air as we looked back and forth between the door and each other. "Sal! It's happening!" Kat yelled at me. I nodded and followed her out the door and down the stairs as the teacher yelled at us.

We ran towards the back exit with our backpacks jiggling on our backs. "Sal, we need to get to my house!" Kat shouted. "Fine! But then we need to grab the bikes and get to the tree house!" I yelled back. We pushed through the heavy double doors and ran as fast as we could, our boots slapping loudly against the pavement. People were driving wildly as they tried to get away from the massacre that was unfolding.

Corpses already littered the ground and it was only a matter of time before they came back as the stinking walkers that we knew of. We raced past the various houses lining the street and turned down into her drive. We raced into her house and she ran to get her weapons and various things we would need and I ran to gather more food, water and medicine. We met back in her room and hauled out a generator that I would carry. We slung the packs of supplies on our backs and I carried the generator in one hand and a revolver in the other. Kat had a similar gun in her right hand as we walked into the garage. "I'll take the green one you take the black!" Kat yelled.

I tied down the generator and got on the black dirt bike as Kat mounted the green one. We put on our heavy leather jackets, gloves, and helmets before speeding out of the open garage door. I dodged the corpses lying on the ground and the walkers that were reaching for us with pale, rotting hands. Kat purposely ran over the corpses and hit the walkers, a evil grin on her face. I shook my head and accelerated faster on the flaming and smoking highway.

Our tree house was deep in the forests, the only way to reach it was by boat. The boat was already in a private warehouse near Ten Mile Lake, ready for us at any moment. We dodged cars and trucks as we sped along the coastline. We continued like that for about ten minutes before we turned onto the road leading to Lakeside. We signaled each other to be careful and continued down the road. Lakeside would be a good town to raid supplies from because there wasn't a lot of people. There were a lot of small shops and stores.

We raced down the main street to the docks, we rode our dirt bikes slowly on her families private dock to the warehouse. She pressed a button on her key chain and the door opened; dust fell off of the ancient door as it slid open. The moans and groans of walkers grew louder as they came closer and closer to the docks. As soon as we were safely inside she shut the door and it slid closed with creaks and pops. "Are you sure they can't get inside?" I asked Kat softly. She nodded and knocked on the heavy metal door "Yup, it's rock solid".

I helped Kat pull the heavy tarp off of the large boat and grinned; it was perfect! The boat was colored a muddy brown color but it was polished and shining. The boat had seats in the front and two behind the heavy plate of glass. The inside of the boat was flat in the back and had a ton of room for both bikes, extra supplies and room to fix the motor if needed. We put the bikes in the back while keeping our bags on our backs and the generator on our seats. "Here!" Kat exclaimed as she handed me a bolt action rifle. I took it from her and loaded it and readied the gun for her use, andI grabbed my pistol and slid it into its' holster.

I handed her the rifle and slid the key into the ignition as Kat sat up front and opened the door to the water. I sped out as soon as it was open enough for the boat to fit through and waited as Kat shut the door. She gave me a thumbs up and I sped towards the hidden, narrow channel that lead to the tree house. I drove for about fifteen minutes before kat signed me to stop with a raised, closed fist. I cut the power and grabbed the generator as we floated into the secret lagoon.

Kat waved two fingers infront of her eyes and pointed at me signaling that she would go scout ahead. I nodded and took out my pistol, just in case. We both froze when we heard twigs snapping near us. We crouched down and waited for the subject to come into view. The snapping grew closer and then ceased as Kats dog Trouble bounced out of the bushes and onto kat. I laughed quietly as kat pushed Trouble off of her and silenced her. "It's safe!" she breathed. I grinned and tied the boat to the large wooden stake as we both climbed out. We threw a camo tarp over the boat and headed up the old, dusty trail. "It's in that tree right there!" I cheered.

Kat climbed up the rope ladder first and threw down a big basket on a chain to put the dog into. She grunted as she pulled the heavey dog up slowly. As soon as the dog was safely up in the tree, she sent down the basket again for the generator. i set it down carefully and quickly climbed the ladder to help her pull it up. We pulled it up quickly and sighed as soon as it was up and safe. Kat pulled up the thick rope ladder as I put the generator safely into a closet. I looked around in amazement at Kats creation. The tree house was built professonaly and was snug.

The walls remained bare except for a few shelves and cabnets here and there, an advanced radio was set up along one wall and there was a couple doors that lead into our own sperate rooms and a bathroom. Above all, the tree house was massive. "Wow kat, you really outdid yourself" I praised in awe. Kat smiled smugly and nodded as she looked around "Yup, thought it was pretty good myself". Trouble panted softly as she plopped down on kats lap. I laughed at the sight of my bestfriend cuddling with her hated dog, I had convinced her that Trouble would be a good guard dog to take.

So here we were, two bestfriends and a dog.... Servivors of the appocalypse...

Little did we know that it was just beginning.....

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