Saving Servant Lucy

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Warning - long chapter. Bring snacks. XOXO~ Taborix

The familiar castle corridors always felt claustrophobic after a visit to the outside. Nobody knew when he left and returned, since Siles didn't always respond to requests for rebellion interference immediately, but he still hoped that somebody had taken advantage of his absence to slit the Queen's throat.

But he wasn't so lucky. Nobody stopped him after he had changed into his normal castle attire, and no note awaited him on the door to his chambers. So he returned to the throne room, taking the scenic route to prolong the inevitable meandering conversation with the drunken Queen.

A sound interrupted his misery, almost like a whimpering animal. Its source lay behind a closed door, making it none of his business, but Siles couldn't resist the urge to try the handle. It was unlocked. Quietly, he pushed it open until the hinge threatened to creak. Inside, the frightened mouse bled red, cowering as the knife-wielding magician drew closer. Siles quietly shut the door, then knocked.

Seconds later, the magician answered. Now Siles could see his face. "Jericho. I was looking for Miss Lucy."

Jericho shifted his weight, one hand tucked behind his back. He was hiding the knife; he didn't know that Siles had seen it only a moment before. "Right. Yes, she's here." He looked back into the room, shouting "servant!" before turning back to Siles with a nervous smile. As a lower ranking government magician, he was among the many who regarded Siles as a threat instead of a protector.

Lucy stepped into the hall, the slash on her cheek carefully filled with face powder. Her head remained ducked after the door closed, her arms wrapped around herself as if they could protect her from the cruelties of the world.

He wanted to hug her, or at least apologize on Jericho's behalf. But he didn't. "Your place is the throne room."

She nodded, immediately scurrying down the hall as Siles followed at a leisurely pace. Her situation wasn't an unusual one; magicians considered themselves almost a separate species from their non-magical counterparts, which meant they had every legal right to treat commoners as they wished. Siles shook his head before he could begin another imaginary argument with the Queen. Their nonexistent arguments only ever exhausted him, especially since they reminded him of his own silence.

Jogging footsteps interrupted his thoughts, followed by a head of golden-brown hair. August immediately threw his arm around Siles' shoulder, his cloak trailing along Siles' back. His cloak and clothes were always pristine and unwrinkled, the level of care contrasting with his unkept hair in a way that made Siles wonder if he styled it that way. He would never ask; Siles avoided speaking to August as a rule. Even though he was immune to his magic, the mind-reader made him nervous.

"If it isn't the Queen's Guard himself! I've been looking for you. Didn't expect to find you saving a servant girl, though." Siles froze mid-step. Nobody had been nearby when he had opened the door, he was sure of that. August continued, "Her terror was really loud, so I was coming over to shut her up myself when she suddenly started thinking about you."

Siles remained frozen, the arm around his shoulders suddenly more like a threat than an overly friendly gesture. "Don't worry, though. I won't tell anyone. Where are you headed to? The throne room?" Siles nodded. "I'll walk with you."

The arm shoved him back into motion, dragging him down the twisting halls. "But back to what I actually wanted to talk to you about. I'm holding a dinner party tomorrow night at Three Sheets, want to come?"

Normally, Siles would have said no. No, I have to guard the Queen, even though I don't work night shifts because the night guard includes twenty soldiers armed to the teeth. No, I have other plans because I have dozens of nonexistent friends. No, I don't like you so I'm not going to your party. But instead he said, "Fine. What time?" because thanks to his decision to help a crying mouse, August presented a threat.

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