chapter 5_ alterius animae

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Chapter ....

"Come in" the alpha's deep authortive (how do you spell that damn word?) said as we walked near the door. He knew we were here even though we haven't even knocked yet. I really have to watch him.

Luke pushed open the double doors linked to the alpha's office. holding them in place, turning to me he smiled "Ladies fist"

"Why, thank you." i curtsied playing along with him

"Ok, enough playing, talking time." The alpha said chuckling at our silliness

"so dad, theres a question i wanted to ask." Luke begin and told the alpha how we feel around each other even though i already have a mate.

The alpha nodded as Luke finished the story with me filling in whats missing.

"Have you guys heard of ' alterius animae ?" he asked gesturing us to sit down on the spinny chairs opposite of him on the other side  of his huge mahogony dest.

Luke and i both shook our hear no, not having a single idea what giberrish he was speaking.

"it's latin for 'The Other Soul'." he said as if it was totally obvious.

we stared at him dumbly

"so..." Luke and i both said in unison

"really son?" he sighed "your soon to be alpha, you should know all about this stuff. what do you do on alpha lessons? sleep?"

"uh..." luke said guiltily looking down on his lap.

"the other soul? as in the other soulmate?" i chirped in?

"yes!" The alpha yelled "son even she gets it better than you, you put shame in the blood line of alphas"

"and what does that have to do with us" i questioned staring at him 

"the other soul, my son here is the other soul." he said getting irritated by other stupidness

"oh....kay?" luke said awkwardly

"really!?!" i asked excitedly "does this mean i dont have to give a shit about Nicholas?" i screamed happily

"ah, that, i'm afraid that i have to say no. "if you want to have the heir to be the next alpha, you would have to mate both of your mates or you wont be able to concive (is that even how you spell that word?)."

"What!?!" Luke and i screamed with our eyes three times the normal size.

"at the same time." the alpha finished

and this is the part where i blacked out.


ok... so i take it no one gives a shit about the stupid cast contest so just ignore it

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