chapter 1_New

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That screaming is from my brother, Jason. Although Jason is only a few minutes older than me, he is over-protective and always feels the need to order me around

He is the only family I have left, everyone else is gone. Gone to a place far, far away.

Suddenly, the loud thumping sound of heavy foot steps filled the bathroom . I could literally see the red frames on the dark gray walls shaking. Here comes the hulk.

"Nic-" Jase started but I cut him off

"Jesus. Stop screaming already. My ears work perfectly fine. You're right outside the freakin door, there's no need to scream." Jesus Christ, that dude needs to calm his titties. It's the first day of school blah blah blah. Whatever. First impressions don't mean shit.

It's not like we're gonna stay here for long anyways. We are temporarily residing here until it is deemed "too dangerous" like the 50 other places we have been to.

I would probably get us kicked out of whatever school we enrolled into before that time anyways. I just don't seem get along with much people; most girls are bitchy, slutty whores and the guys? Don't even get me started on them; all they do is try to get in your pants. 

I stepped out of the shower and slipped into my black skinnies and a burgandy lace tanktop layered over a black bandeau. Casual and totally school friendly.

"What the hell were you do-" I slammed my bathroom door in his face before he could finish. Don't hold it against me, I actually love him to pieces. But sometimes he's an annoying ass. "Nicole! You are such a frustrating brat and go change your clothes right this second. I am not letting you out this door dressed like that!"

"Whatever old man"

I reached under my bed and pulled out a pair of sexy black stilettos. Yea I get it, I look like a slut. Let people think what they want about me because I. DON'T. FUCKING. CARE. Haters gonna hate

I swung my backpack across my right shoulder and ran down stairs to wait for my brother.

I was about to scream at him when he ran down the stairs in a tight black t-shirt and skinny jeans. I've learned over these few years that if a girl is suddenly overly nice to me, she is most likely trying to use me to get close to Jase.

"Nicole, I thought I told you to change?" he said looking at me disapprovingly.

"Just shut up and let's get going, we're already late. Not that I would care."

"Fine, I'm only letting you off the hook because it's the first day of school and I don't want to be late."

"Yes Mr. I-sweet-and-innocent." I sighed

I watched with a smirk as the door to my Sleek black audi quietly slid open revealing the high tech interior. It's like a public car showcase right outside our garage. I am glad I convinced Jase from getting the red one. It was so flashy. Jase and I have a small obsession with cars. Especially fast and expensive ones. We have a weird hobby of building and rebuilding Vehicles. Almost all of the motorcycles we own have been remodeled by us.

When our parents died, they left us both a hefty amount of money. I could go the rest of my life without working and I'd still be rich. But we don't really take much out of it. Weirdly when our parents died they had already planned out a will.

We usually take turn driving our cars to school. but when I say "usually", I mean mostly mine. I hate it when Jase drives. He drives like that one sophomore who just recently got out of Drivers Training. What's the point of having a sports car if you're gonna drive slowly.

It took us about 5 minutes to get to school with my driving when it should take at least 15 minutes. When we stepped out of the car, everyone and I mean everyone was staring and watching. I swayed my hips a little more than natural and there were wolf whistles from the guys and death glares from the hoes.

We were at the office getting our schedules and the reception was eyeing my brother. What a hell, at least stick to something closer to your league bitch.

 "Here you go sweety." she handed my brother his schedule and turned to glare at me

 "here." she snapped at me and threw the schedule sheet at my face.

Seriously? You are too freaking old for my brother. You're old enough to be my MOTHER. Heck even mY grandma. Stupid old hag.

 "Thanks bitch" I replied and walked out with Jase on my tails trying not to laugh but failing miserably.

We found our lockers which were right next to each other. Our books, laptop and other papers were already occupying our lockers. We compared our schedules

Jase and I have 6 out of 7 classes together. So Jase and I basically have all our classes together except 5th hour. I actually like my schedule except for LIT. I absolutely HATE it. It's shit. And I'm shit at it. It should be an alternative class, it's not like we're gonna need it later on in life unless you plan on majoring in that department or something.

 We pulled out our calculus book and made our way to the class we were half an hour late for. Oh well, at least we came. We were fashionably late.

I threw open the door and it hit the wall with a bam! The smell hit me. It hit me hard. Why hadn't I notice before? They were all over this place. I froze in mid step. Werewolves.


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