Chapter 2

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I was lying on my bed after being punished by my sister when my phone started ringing. I picked it up on the fourth ring, "Hello?" "Hey, Addie." It was Jasmine.


"I wanted to call and make sure you're sister didn't kill you."

"She almost did. But i'm still alive."


"Jasmine, can I come over later when my dad gets home?"

"Of course. You don't even have to ask. Just come over whenever you want."


"No prob."

I hung up and sat my phone down. "Addie, come down here!" Sam hollered up the stairs. I climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs to where Sam was. I crossed my arms and looked at the wall next to her. "Be mad all you want. You deserved what you got." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm about to go to work. Do you want me to make you breakfast before I leave or just leave you money to buy something?" She asked. I shrugged. Sam sighed and grabbed her purse. She pulled out twenty dollars and sat it on the counter. "Go buy something later. Bye." She went out the front door. I was about to go back upstairs when dad came in.

He grabbed my arm before I could move. "I thought I told you to do the dishes last night." He said. "I went some where after school and didn't get home till late." I told him. He pushed me into the wall hard enough for me to think there were peices of drywall in my back. "I'll do them now." I tried to walk past him but he shoved me back into the wall. Then he turned me around and pushed me into it face first. My tooth sunk into my lip causing some blood to trickle down my chin. He walked over to the counter and grabbed the twenty dollars Sam left me. "Sam left that for me." I said. "Well now it's for me."

Dad walked past me and into his room. I ran out of the house and got into my car. It only took a few minutes for me to get to Jasmine's house. Before going in I put on enough make up to cover the cut on my lip and bruise on my forehead.

I climbed out of the car and went to knock on the front door. Vivian answered it as soon as I did. She was wearing just a tanktop and underwear. "Hey, Addie." She tossled my hair and stepped to the side so I could come in. Melanie, Zoe, Lyla, and Lily were sitting on the couch. They were all in their pjs or underwear.

I met all of the gang last night and somehow remembered all of their names. Lyla was the girl with the bleach blonde hair. She was twenty. Zoe was a little overweight but not really fat. She was seventeen and had chestnut hair and brown eyes. Lily was sixteen and had only been in the gang for two months. She had black hair just like me but her eyes were green while mine were blue.

Jasmine came out of the kitchen with a plate of eggs and toast. "Hey." She said to me, "There are some eggs in the kitchen if you're hungry." I walked past her and into the kitchen which was right next to the living room. I grabbed a plate, piled it with scrambled eggs, and walked into the living room. "Hey, newbie." Lyla said as I sat next to her on the floor. She patted my back which caused me to yelp.

"Jeez, Lyla." Melanie said. "I didn't think I hit her that hard." "You didn't," I assured her, "My back just hurts." Melanie came over to me and lifted up the back of my shirt. "Did your dad do this?" She asked. I nodded. My back must have been more bruised than I thought. They all started to look at my back. Jasmine came and squatted down in front of me. She looked over my face then licked her thumb and rubbed it on my forehead where my bruise was.

"Did he do this because you were out all night?" She asked. "No. He did it because I didn't wash the dishes."

"Come with me." Jasmine grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I grabbed my plate and let her lead me up the stairs. She took me to one of the empty bedrooms. "This is going to be your room." She told me. There was nothing in it but a dresser, closet, and bed with no covers or pillows. "You're gonna let me live here?" I asked. "Yeah. I don't like my girls being abused."

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