Ch. 6 Venom

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Venom: Eyes, lungs, pancreas, so many snacks so little time.

Venom then opens his mouth and licks the side of the bandits face like a wild animal seeing if its food is to its liking before eating it.  This was around the time where the rest of the bandits look over to see the monstrous gooey black creature, as its mouth unhinges and devourers the bandit, like a snake eating a mouse.

Raven: What the hell is that thing!?


Raven: Everyone, get out the big guns!

Bandit 1: But you said only to use them in case the Nuckelavee show up!

Raven: I am more concerned with the Grimm that just ate one of my men!

Bandit: Alright, *ahem* You heard the boss everyone!

Then all of taking tiny pistols from their holsters, but they then press a button and the tiny pistols turn into dangerous high powerful assault rifles. 

Bandit 1: FIRE!

(Start: 0:25, End: 2:11)

As Venom finishes his victory roar over Ravens men, he then turns his attention to the only two left, that being Vernal, and Raven herself.

Raven: What are you!?

Venom: We are Venom.

Vernal: Yeah well not for long.

Both Raven and Vernal pull out their respective weapons, but Venom just smiles and welcomes the challenge.  Vernal starts to fire lighting dust rounds at Venom, but it seems to have little effect on him.  Raven then forms an ice blade and runs and jumps attempting to take a swing at Venoms head but he manages to catch it and kicks Raven back several feet the blade breaking, the blade in the process.  Vernal then takes a few swipes at Venom while his attention is on Raven, and she does manage to cut him but the cuts made heal just as fast as they are made.  Venom then turns around just as Vernal was in the middle of another swing, so Venom catches her weapon, and crushes it and breaking Vernal's right hand in the prosses.


The pain that she was experiencing then was excruciating, and on instinct drops her other weapon in her left hand in order to hold on to her crushed right hand in pain. Venom then makes his fist bigger and slams Venal into a wall of the towns watering hole, that Eddie used to visit before he met Venom.

Then all of a sudden a ferocious bolt of lighting strikes Venom from up on high. This manages to split Venom down from his left shoulder down to this leg but he then he put himself together again and turns to Raven who looks confused and is starting to show a small amount of fear. 

Venom: You're a Madin.

Raven: The Spring Madin to be exact.

The sky then begins to darken, and the wind begins to pick up. 

Venom: Look I've done this whole Madin thing a few times, I know the whole dramatic routine.  So can we just cut to the chase?

Raven: Fine, as you wish.

Raven then responds by sending a wall of ice barreling toward him, but Venom just charges through it.  Venom then swings at Ravens head but she takes out her blade and cuts his hand off before he can connect, but, he just pushes Raven back into a nearby wall with black tendrils that extend from its chest, he then grows back his hand and grabs Raven by her neck, as he looks her over with his big milky eyes.

Venom: You seem, familiar to us.

Raven: *Grossed Out* Ugh, yeah...we haven't met before...I would remember!

Venom: OR, one of those I have consumed, once knew you.

Raven: W..what do you...


The blood curtailing scream draws the attention of both Raven and Venom, and they see the Grimm the residents of mistral feared above all others.

The blood curtailing scream draws the attention of both Raven and Venom, and they see the Grimm the residents of mistral feared above all others

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Venom who was unimpressed with Raven was unceremoniously let her go and turned his attention to his new target.

Nuckelavee: *SCREECH!*


Venom then charges at the Nuckelavee with a big demonic smile on his face, the Nuckelavee responded by stretching out his right arm wich plows through Venoms chest and exited out of the other side,  but this just stops for a second, then just keeps walking toward the fused Grimm with his hand still in Venoms chest.  The Nuckelavee then uses it's hours to charge at Venom, but Venom grabs the horse before the head can hit him, this moves Venom back a little bit, but Venom then unhinges his mouth and bites deep into the horse's neck. 

While this is going on Raven is looking for Vernal in the rubble of the bar she was thrown into.

Raven: *Moving Rubble* Nonono, come on Vernal where are you!?

She keeps on desperately moving to the rubble to the side, hoping that she can find her before the Grimm find them.  Eventually after looking digging through rubble Raven finds Vernal, and carries her to the side of the wall.

Vernal: *Cough* *Cough* 

Raven: Hey take it easy, you're in bad shape.

Vernal: B........boss?

Raven: Come on where leaving.

She then pulls out her sword and makes a portal.


Raven: Forget it there either dead or soon to be dead all that matters is getting out of here.

The two of them stumble into the portal leaving anyone left alive to the mercy of the Grimm.

Meanwhile, Venom still has his teeth in the Nuckelavee and then pulls his head back tearing a piece of the Neckelavee's flesh off and then swallows it.  This causes the Neckelaveeto to swing back and forth in pain and pulling its arm out of Venoms chest.  

Venom: I thought you might provide me more of a challenge, but I guess it was a good workout, I did need to work off a few pounds. Here let me return the favor.

He then rips the Neckelavee head off.

Venom: There you now weigh ten pounds less.

Venom then eats the head as the horse part of the Grimm starts to run, but then venom uses his tendrils to grab it and pull it back.

Venom: Where do you think you're going?

He then swings the horse around and throughs him through the town community center killing it.  He then looks around the destroyed down which was now completly baron of any life.

Venom: Well, I guess its time to move Eddie.

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