The Twins First Birthday-OneShot

Start from the beginning




I know you hate me, I will never blame you for that but please understand I look back now and know that I am a disgrace to you, what I did was awful, I guess I was just jealous and Voldermort had a lot of influence over me. Either way it doesn’t justify what I did. I just think you deserve to know. I do not love you anymore, I think I’m incapable of it, after all I can’t forgive or learn to like myself-how can I love anyone else? I have nobody and I deserve that-I know you believe that. Also I’m sorry what I did to Hermione, it took me a while to care but again I was so jealous of her its ridiculous. I hope you too are happy, afterall Draco, you always deserve to be happy.




Draco didn’t bother replying to her, he forgot about her awful presence years ago. Personally, I guess I did too.


Draco’s POV:


I opened the door and in flooded Ginny, Harry, The Weasleys, my mother, her new husband Mitchell and the twins friends. Hundreds of presents piled up on a table whilst the twins enjoyed all the hugs, kisses and attention. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I watched my two beautiful children grin, exactly like my arrogant smirk. I noticed that my beautiful wife was not here and I made my way to our bedroom. There she stood looking over the letter Stacey had written. I sat next to her and put my arm around her.

“Mione, I wouldn’t worry-at all. She isn’t planning something, no one is dying and life will go on. There is no point even wasting a second on her. She simply isn’t worth it. We just have to forget.”

“I know Drake, we should just throw it out.”
“Well lets not throw it out, just simply forget it.” I gave her a kiss on her cheek and squeezed her shoulders. She rested her head against me and my skin tingled, I love my Hermione Granger.

“I love you Mione.”

“I love you Drake.”


“Mummy! Daddy!” We turn around to see Rose and Scorpio urging us to come and help with their party. We followed them to the back yard and watched Rose and Scorpio run up to the jumping castle. They jumped and jumped, whilst the adults stood around sipping their butterbeer, laughing and reminiscing. I noted that Ron was standing around with his new girlfriend and almost scoffed. The prick would always irritate me. Hermione tilted her head back and laughed. I couldn’t help loving her ever too much. Her smile, hair, intelligence, everything I want for my children. I walked over to my beautiful wife to join her light conversation with Ginny and Harry. She seemed lost in conversation until she noticed me and smiled. She planted a kiss on my lips and I kissed her back. The world almost seems to disappear around me, just as it always does when I’m with Hermione. We pull away an almost give each other a knowing smile. My mother walks up to us her hand in Mitchell’s. I give her a hug and pleasant smiles are exchanged throughout Hermione, my mother and Mitchell. My mother is happy with Mitchell and I’m glad that she now smiles and is happy in love. Mitchell is a great guy and loves my mother exactly the way she is supposed to be treated.

“Those little tots are cheeky.” My mother exclaims and Hermione rolls her eyes.

“You have no idea.”

“Well I love them they’re gorgeous.” I can feel Hermione’s loving eyes on my neck and I give a smile.

“Easy for you to say you don’t have to breast feed them.” My mother falls into a round of laughter and starts talking about breastfeeding with Hermione. I turn away awkwardly and have a casual conversation with Mitchell.

Hermione’s POV:


I watch as Rose and Scorpio opens their final present, Draco has his video camera out and is smiling in his fatherly way. There is anticipation in the room as this last one is from Draco and I. Together they pull open the bright yellow present and inside sits two books. They are both personalized, all of Draco and I’s adventures throughout Hogwarts. They both shrug their shoulders and look at us. I get up and smile going over to sit with them in the middle of the carpet and all their admiring onlookers smiling at them in a circle.

“Mummy why did you get us books?”

“Well Scorpio and Rose, you know how you keep asking us for stories about Hogwarts? Well we wrote all the stories, Uncle Harry’s, Aunt Ginny’s, Daddy and I’s-they’re all in here. If you whisper our favourite spell a Mummy and Daddy’s voice will read out the story.”

“What is the spell Mummy?” Rose asks.

“What else would it be? Asusmac.”

Hope You Liked it!!!! Mrs_Barrington!

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