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"C'mon," your silver haired teacher said in his usual, lazy voice. "Genma's waiting in the car."

You had said your goodbyes to Naruto who gave you a tight hug, along with his orange hoodie because it was quite chilly outside. You and Mr. Hatake were now, making your way towards the car where Genma was supposedly waiting for you.

"You didn't have to come along, you know?" you said, feeling guilty for making your teacher go through so much trouble.

"Mhm," was all the weasel replied with.

It almost seemed as if he was mad at you for something. But what could you have possibly done? Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you spotted a beautiful black Maserati. You quickly began dashing towards it.

Kakashi's Car

"Hold on," Mr

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"Hold on," Mr. Hatake said in an unusually dark tone.

He pushed you against the back of his fancy car and leaned in closer. You secretly took in his masculine scent, which was almost too tempting for you to handle. Get it together, he's your teacher, you said to yourself.

"W-What is it?" you managed to ask, trying not to reveal your vulnerability.

"Tell me the truth," he spoke with a serious tone. "Did anyone.. force you?"

"N-No Mr. Hatake, I thought they were regular snacks.. so I ate them," you embarrassingly confessed.

He sighed with an amused facial expression.

"Don't ever try to pull shit like that again," he warned, his voice had become more authoritative now.

"What do you mean?" you asked, caught off guard by the sudden change of his tone.

"You'll be more careful starting today," he stated, his eyes staring intently into yours. "Are we clear?"

You nodded almost a little too quickly.

"And you're spending tomorrow with me," he informed, giving you no room to argue. "At the hospital."

"Okay," you nodded, remembering that you had promised to volunteer at the hospital this weekend. "You have my tomorrow."

"Good girl," he smirked, before opening the door to the backseat of his shiny, black car.

* * *

Your Room

"What if something had happened? What if you got raped? What if you died from all those drugs? What if you killed someone by accident?" Genma continued showering you with question after question after question

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"What if something had happened? What if you got raped? What if you died from all those drugs? What if you killed someone by accident?" Genma continued showering you with question after question after question.

You sighed, fiddling with Naruto's orange hoodie since you didn't really have an answer. You thought his lecture would last about an hour or so, but boy were you wrong. The car ride was long over and currently you were lying in your comfortable bed, ready to take a nap but the long lecture was still ongoing. And you also knew that he was nowhere near finished.

"You're lucky your friend answered your phone or I would've come there myself," the brown haired male said, clearly angry. "You can say goodbye to your parties."

You couldn't take having Genma be so mad at you while your English teacher was standing right there. So you did the thing that you knew would always get him to forgive you, no matter what: tears. God, he was just like your dad.

Your vision became slightly blurry the second your eyes began filling up with tears. These forced tears soon began rolling down your cheeks like a waterfall.

"Genma!" Mr. Hatake scolded, scooting down next to you.

He took your small hands in his and gazed deeply into your watery eyes. His face was holding a sympathetic expression, unlike Genma's, who was angrily biting on his toothpick. You knew that Genma was really mad since your tears seemed to have had no effect on him whatsoever.

"I'm sorry," you whimpered, your former artificial tears were being threatened to be replaced by real ones this time.

"Hey," Mr. Hatake said, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his toned arms around you. "It wasn't your fault, okay? Genma's just worried."

You nodded as he released you from his arms, and began wiping away the tears that seemed to continuously fall from your eyes.

"Just rest and don't think about it," the silver haired male ordered, getting up from his previous position.

He patted a very stressful looking Genma on the shoulder and disappeared out of your room.

You then pulled your favorite blanket over your head, not wanting to look at your best friend anymore. It would only remind you of how reckless you had behaved last night. You knew that you had hurt him and that had hurt you.

After a couple long minutes of silence, you figured that Genma had probably just left. But the thought was soon interrupted when you felt a pair of lips kiss the top of your head, from over the blanket.

"I love you," the familiar voice whispered.

You then heard footsteps walking out the door.

Followed by the quiet shutting of the door.

Followed by complete silence.

On the contrary, your mind and heart however, were very loud and noisy. They wouldn't shut up about what had just happened, not even a second ago. Of course you knew that Genma loved you.. but you didn't know he loved you.

What the hell were you supposed to do now?

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