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You woke up with a sudden burst of energy running all throughout your body. You heard a couple voices which were muffled at first but grew clearer as you slowly opened your eyes.

You realized that you were lying on the bed with a warm, fuzzy blanket covering you. When you sat up straight, the amount of people surrounding you was quite overwhelming. Everyone was there.

"She's awake!" TenTen squealed with excitement.

"Oh thank god," Naruto exhaled, pulling your face in to place a kiss on your forehead.

"Back off would you! Give her some space!" Sakura yelled, pulling a very emotional Naruto off of you.

They were all gathered around you, smiling at you warmly. You noticed that Kiba had a bruise on his cheekbone, Naruto had dried blood on the side of his lips and Sasuke had a scar on his eyebrow. The three boys had a couple rips on their shirts and looked a bit roughed up. Everyone else on the other hand, seemed to be okay.

"What the hell happened?" you asked confused.

Weren't you all at a party? Or was that just a dream?

"We had to shut down because some people weren't able to handle their alcohol," Neji filled you in.

"Did you guys get in a fight? Are you all okay?" you asked, concerned about them as well as Pein's group.

"Actually it was-"

"We're okay, don't worry about us," Kiba chuckled, ruffling up your hair.

"Did any of Pein and his friends get hurt? Are they okay?" you asked.

"Get some rest Y/N," Sasuke ordered in an authoritative tone.

"Yea you can crash here tonight, it's no problem," Naruto chimed in, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

You nodded as everyone began waving goodbye to you and headed out to get to their own homes. Except Naruto, who was probably just going to his bedroom since this was his home. Sasuke however, stayed behind, probably to wish you goodnight before he left as well.

He walked forward, making you grow slightly nervous. He was an intimidating man after all, especially with that attitude of his. And not to mention, his scent emitted a very dominant aura.

"Listen," he said, grabbing your attention instantly. "Some guy named Genma called and said he'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

You nodded and muttered a soft "thank you."

"And no matter what Itachi says," he said again, causing you to furrow your brows in confusion. "I won."

With that, Sasuke leaned in towards you, connecting your plump lips with his soft ones. The temperamental boy thirsted for you as if you were an ice cold glass of water on a hot, sunny afternoon. He devoured you into a passionate kiss, leaving absolutely no room for air.

It wasn't until you had to break away due to lack of oxygen, that he finally stopped.

"Goodnight," he said with a smirk, as he shut the door behind him.

Oh my god.

Sasuke had just kissed you.

* * *

"Yea you apparently had two weed jolly ranchers and a whole bottle of lean," Naruto filled you in, taking a bite out of his pancakes.

Since he had been nice enough to let you crash last night, the least you could do was make him some decent breakfast.

"I didn't even know you could make weed jolly ranchers," you confessed, embarrassed. "I should've known better."

"Wasn't your fault. What would you expect from Pein?" Naruto spat, clearly angered by the thought of the orange haired male.

"Hey.. I wanted to ask you," you spoke up, gathering all your courage. "What's the Akatsuki?"

"Well it's forbidden to say but they used to be this club from our school," the blonde explained. "They beat someone up until the person died, or something like that."

"What?!" you asked, shocked. "And Pein was a part of it? Are you sure?"

"Well yeah, him and all his friends," Naruto continued taking a bite out of his pancake. "They're not good people, Y/N."

He sighed as the room soon filled with nothing but silence. You felt his hand grab onto yours, providing you with some much needed emotional support. His thumbs slowly began caressing your small hands in order to comfort you. He knew better than anyone else, what it was like to have one's trust broken.

You just couldn't get yourself to believe that Pein and Deidara and Konan and everyone else could've taken someone's life. They couldn't have.

"Y/N.." Naruto said, ending the silent atmosphere.

"What's up?" you asked, noticing the nervousness that was present in his voice.

"I think I-"

The blonde was sadly interrupted by a loud ringing of the doorbell.

"Probably your friend Genma," Naruto informed, getting up from the dining table.

He walked out the dining room to open the front door, as you followed behind him. Time to head home.

You already knew what the car ride with Genma would consist of: lectures and more lectures. It was just like Genma, to pick you up after you got yourself in trouble and torture you with hour long lectures. He happened to be even worse than your very own father.

When Naruto opened the front door expecting to see your dear friend Genma, you and him both were in for quite a surprise.

"What the-"

"Mr. Hatake?!"

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