chapter 6

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"You're the moon and the The world is a lonely wolf; it cries of theThe sight of you, for you, is glorious and so out of reach, but can't help butto howl for your touch

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"You're the moon and the
The world is a lonely wolf; it cries of the
The sight of you, for you, is glorious and so out of reach, but can't help but
to howl for your touch.."

Ariana's POV

As I was walking around the room and examining stuff, I heard him call my name. I walked toward the door opened it and walked towards the sound of his voice.

He sounded mad, like really mad. Like someone just ate your food mad.

I made my way into view with him rambling through his office, throwing stuff around, looking for something I guess.

"What?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

He ripped his gaze off of the items in the drawer and looked at me. He stomps towards me, grabs my waist, bringing his head to my neck and breathes in my scent. Almost like he was calming his self down.

"Umm...Well, this is awkward." I said trying to pry him away from me.

"No, it's not, Your just making it awkward kitten." He says, but it sounds a little muffled as he rubs the tip of his nose up and down the crease of my neck

I tried not to shiver from his warm breath fanning my neck as his ragging breaths slowly calmed down. But guess what the keyword is tried.

"So, you called me out here for a reason or just to smuggle me like some lost puppy or something." He finally took his face from in between me neck and looked at me straight in the eyes

"You really know how to ruin the moment don't you." He chuckles

"Yup one of my perks," I said

"Yeah, what are your other perks?" He questioned seductively

"Umm let me think, oh wait here's one, I know how to chop someone's dick off and shove it up there ass till it comes out there mouth," I say smiling.

"Ohh I'm so scared, I'm jumping out of my socks."

"You won't be jumping out of your sock when you wake up and your penis isn't there; Now will you?"

"I'll throw you to the rogues." He says with his eyes narrowed.

"And I'll return leading the pack." I raised my left eyebrow as I challenge

"You are something else. You know that?" He let's go off my waist and chuckled.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes

He wants back to his desk searching threw it again

"So, you called me for a reason right?" I say leaning on the closes object next to me

"Yeah actually," He continued "so I just received some news that the rouge king has delivered a threat to me and my pack and sense your my mate your part of this pack to so the threat counts for you as well," I blink "so I'm going to need you to stay in here until I inform you otherwise because I will be out dealing with this problem and I don't have time to focus on them if I'm looking after you. But on the plus side, I know you're safe."

I just stared at him as I let what he said sink in. Who does he think he is!

"First of all, I don't need 'protection' cause I'm a grown-ass lady that knows how to defend herself and second of al-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he cut me off

"As I predicted you would say this. It does not matter if you can protect yourself because it's my job to do that and I assigned some of my best warriors to stand guard inside and outside of this place when im not here."

"If 'your' suppose to protect me, why are you giving other people that job!?" I snapped

"As I said, I can't focus on my pack if I'm worried about you" He pursed his lips in a straight line as a single piece of hair fell in front of his right eye, making him look sexy.

What are you talking about Ari! Focus on the package girl!

"Well like I said, I can defend myself. I'm no circus dog you can just order around and expect me to listen" I say as I put a strand of hair that fell in front of my face behind my ear.

I sighed "I am the second oldest of the second strongest and largest pack in the US. I have alpha blood running threw my veins which practically makes me royalty. I have trained alongside my brother and my pack and helped my mom and dad when they needed it. I'm a smart, strong, free independent woman that is capable of looking and doing things myself so don't think twice about me." I gave him one last look before I turned around and walked out of the room

I'm am a long-living rare rose in a guarding of dead flowers.


What do you think?

Love you, peeps, bye!💖

[EDITING] ☾𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲✓Where stories live. Discover now