I- AP Classes

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Kaia's POV


Written in neon colors blared from the screen. Monday morning.

Fall was in full swing. Everything was changing  inside and out. But my life seemed to remained stagnant.

Descent enough I thought as I looked in the mirror.

I entered the garage and started my motorcycle.

"Hey shortstop." A low drawl called to me.

Xavier Carter.

My best friend's big brother. We've know each other for eons. And that nickname had followed me up to the great age of 17. He was 18, a senior, and the "call for a good time" guy in our school.

"Hey Xavy." I smirked.

He hated that name. Anything to make him mad made me happy.

"You and that damn name." He leaned on his car door.

"Fair's fair, right?" I shrugged.

"Don't be mad it's Monday still time for you to get laid." He wrinkled my neatly placed curls.

"Right. Thats exactly it." I said attempting to fix my hair.

Maia Carter the only reason was the only reason I knew of his existence. And the only reason I'd put up with him.

The bell ring signaling us to get to class. I turned off my motorcycle reluctantly and walked.

I was a junior taking senior classes and I hated the upperclassmen. Including the infamous Xavier.

"Welcome Ms. Sanders! I expect nothing but a great year from you!" My teacher beamed.

"Thank you Mr. Myers." With my luck, the only seat left was next to Xavier.

"You take AP classes?" He questioned.

"If I didn't Xavier would I be in here?" I snarled.

"Well I'm glad you are." he informed me.

"Why is that?" I said tilting my head.

"Because, that just means I get some genuine entertainment this year." He devilishly said.

This was gonna be a long ass year.

Author's Note: Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed the first little chapters. Please share, like, and Vote!

Love ya!

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