Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I've changed my schedule for publishing now because I just wrote another book called The Killer Kiss and I realized that I just couldn't keep up with my specific schedule and giving you guys chapters on time. So from now on, chapters will be posted randomly but frequently. I can guarantee that I will at least post a chapter once a week and if I'm in the mood, I might post two. 

Chapter 5 ~ Evelyn

I ponder my decisions for a good hour and realize that night is beginning to fall. I quickly stand up and brush myself off. I should build a raft. HOW THOUGH?! I should've gone to those survival classes with my dad...

I walk around the beach for what seems like forever, I then see a body wash up onto shore. I run towards the body and take a look. It's a girl about my age. I check her pulse to see if she's alive, Phew, she's alive. I let out a sigh of relief and decide to sit on the beach waiting for her to wake up like how I did since I didn't really know what to do. 


Four hours later...

I hear a loud coughing sound and I quickly spring up from my light nap. It's morning now, at least I think

I turn to look at the girl next to me and she's awake. She stares at me with frightening eyes and I don't know what to do.

"Um...hi?" I say awkwardly.

"Who are you?" She looks at me. "And where am I?!" She turns her face away from me and takes in her surroundings.

"I'm not really sure where we are...but I've been here for about a day or so. There was a um, tsunami where I lived." I look at my hands.

"I only remember where I was just walking home from school because we got to leave early because of an earthquake and then uh...I remember going out with some friends to the lake and - and there was a tornado? I'm sorry, I just can't remember." She rubs her head.

"It's okay...what's your name?" I ask her.

"Rosalie." She answers. 

"Well, I'm Evelyn. I go by Evie though." I say.

"Where are you from?" She asks.

"Georgia." I say.

"Oh...I'm from Canada." She says surprised.

"What part?"

"Ontario." She says. "Do you think there's any land nearby? That's not...this island." She says standing up.

"I'm not sure, but are only choice will probably be a raft or something. We might have to wait for garbage to wash up on shore or something. I haven't eaten anything and I'm too tired t get up right now..." She winces and closes her eyes. 

After a minute she opens one I and looks at me up and down. 

"Oh my god your leg!" She points out.

"Oh yeah, I have no idea what I did to it...but's kind of bleeding." I shrug.

"Kind of bleeding?! Let me help you." She gets up without any problems and tries to fix my leg.


As the days pass, I not only realize that Rosalie is really good at survival, but that I was insanely lucky for ending up with someone like her. She's a great person to talk to as well! We found some berries on the island that she confirmed were safe to eat (We haven't died yet, so I don't see the problem). We've been living on berries and random plants basically. I found out that Rosalie lives with her parents and two brothers that she describes has "soooooo annoying". She said that she likes this guy at school, Griffin or something. She's a really great person, but talks a lot.

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