When I'm satisfied with the list, I tear the cerated edge from it and fold the paper into a small square. I get another idea, smiling a little to myself as I tie the long, thin messy edge around it like a ribbon. I try to make a bow from the flimsy scrap, but it doesn't really work. I feel somewhat satisfied and place it on his desk, smiling to myself. I flip open my math book and not even a minute later, in Jake walks.

I try not to look at him, but I still notice him freeze for a moment in the doorway. I can't help the sly smile that creeps onto my face as I keep my head down. He makes his over to me, dropping into his usual seat.

"Hey," he says quietly, sounding kind of lost.

"Hey," I reply, still not looking at him as I jot the date down at the top of today's lesson.

"What's this?" he asks, picking up my makeshift gift. I bite my lip, trying to make my smile go away, but I'm convinced it's impossible.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply, but my evident smile probably gives it away. I wanted to avoid eye contact, but I can't help it as he tears the paper ribbon off and I automatically look over at him. He unfolds the paper, a curious look on his face. I watch his eyes scan over the few lines I'd had time to write. A smile grows on his face and he looks at me. As our gazes connect, my mind practically screams. It feels so good to talk to him again.

"I can't wait to listen to them," he tells me, folding it back up and putting it in his pocket. "Why are you...?" he doesn't finish his question and just looks at me quizzically, but I know what he means. I just shrug, knowing he doesn't want attention being brought on today.

"You know why," I tell him, looking away. The eye contact felt so intense and electric all over again, I can't take it anymore.

"Thank you," he says quietly. "You didn't have to do anything. Actually, I really expected you not to."

I feel kind of bad now. Maybe I overreacted by practically unfriending him. It was a bit much, I could've been less dramatic and still gotten my point across

"Right..." I say, sighing a little. "I know I've been kind of an ass lately. I just-"

"I deserve it," he interrupts me. I look at him again, and my heart skips a beat. He's always so nice to me. I don't get it. I could try to kill him and he'd forgive me. Oh wait, I have.

"Still...I'm sorry," I tell him.

"Don't be," he replies, shaking his head. I'm about to remind him of our drinking plan when Mrs Turner walks in and starts the lesson. I sigh, debating whether to whisper it to him anyway. We hardly ever stopped chatting because of her before, but things are kind of different now. It's been a long time and I feel like I have to ease him into being my friend again.

I start to resent my plan after about fifteen minutes of shared silence. I'm kidding myself trying to concentrate, because all I can focus on are his fingers which constantly tap the desk's surface. I don't know what's up with him, but he seems antsy.

"Any big plans for tonight?" I ask him, unable to stop myself. I'm really just going for it today, all or nothing, because we might never talk again.

"Not that I know of," he says, shaking his head. The response is kind of strange and it makes me wonder, does he remember about our plan for drinks?

"Really?" I ask, the surprise showing in my voice. It's his eighteenth birthday, how have his friends not organized something? Does he really not have plans?

He shrugs, avoiding eye contact. "I'm sure the guys want to do something, but I think I'm just going to avoid both them and home for the night."

"What are you gonna do instead?" I ask, trying to hold back from rudely asking where the hell are you going to go?

First Punch ➟ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now