Chapter Seventeen - Paris

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  • Dedicated to To all my amazing readers!

          "Ellie? Drew? Where are you two? Everyone's outside, why are you both indoors?" I heard Jack's voice call out. It sounded far away like he was downstairs but Drew and I still sprung apart.

          We'd been up in his room for a while now. After that first kiss, there had been many more. I certainly hadn't objected to a making out session as opposed to being outside with everyone else.

          Drew had been trailing kisses down my neck when Jack's voice interrupted us, and we were currently both running our fingers through our hair and trying to look a whole lot less flustered. I looked at Drew to see him smiling at me. He looked so happy. It was making me happy.

          He cleared his throat. "We're coming," he yelled back at Jack. He looked at me sheepishly. "I guess we should go down; we've been up here for a while."

          I nodded reluctantly. Damn. I resisted the urge to pout petulantly like a child not getting any ice-cream. Drew reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. His lips pecked mine once, before he pulled back with a sigh. It looked like I wasn't the only one hesitant to go downstairs.

           "Drew?" I started, a little hesitantly. "What should we say to our parents?" I hated to say it, sure it'd kill the good mood, but it needed to be addressed.

           "I guess we should tell them that we're... That we..." He looked floored. "We're not related," he finally pointed out. 

           "Maybe we should keep it a secret for now? See how things go, and tell them later?" I proposed, seeing as he had no idea as to what to do. I hoped he'd agree. It was the easiest decision and a drama-free one.

           "If that's what you want." He nodded, like that was all that mattered. We were headed to the door, when Drew slowed, pulling on my hand. "Ellie?"

          I looked at him curiously. "Yeah?"

           "Do you want to go on a date... with me?" he said hesitantly, colour making its way up his face. He shifted, looking at the floor, before glancing up at me. He looked hopeful, yet uncertain. As if I'd ever say no.

          I laughed softly. "Yeah, I'd love to," I stated truthfully and couldn't help the grin that stretched over my face. I'd been prepared to ask him, but this was a hundred times better. Excitement settled in my stomach. I couldn't believe this was happening. I'd been daydreaming and hoping for weeks, and I just couldn't believe my luck right now. Drew Hamilton liked me.

           "Really?" he said, his face radiating both happiness and relief. "I've never done that before," he admitted suddenly.

          I blinked at that. "Never done what before?" I wondered.

          "Asked a girl out or, well, even kissed one properly." He looked at the floor, suddenly looking embarrassed.

          My eyes bugged out of my sockets. "What do you...? You've never kissed a girl?" I was completely shocked and found it difficult to form words. There was no way in hell that was true. I'd probably misunderstood. He was far too good-looking; girls literally threw themselves at him when he first started school. There was just no way that someone as good-looking as him didn't have experience with girls.

           "Not like with you," he said. "I mean a couple of girls asked me out and I accepted because I felt kind of bad. But I'd never really been interested in girls or dating. At all." I was really intrigued by this. I wanted to ask questions, but was worried he'd get too embarrassed to give details so I shut up and let him say just what he wanted to tell me. Nothing more, nothing less. "I erm... yeah at the end of dates... it was... forget I said anything," he clammed up towards the end, not looking at me.

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