Chapter Fifteen - Distraction

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       I sat there for a while, completely dumbfounded. When I managed to get my brain functioning properly again, I got up off my bed and picked up the duvet and pillow I'd come to get from my room in the first place.

         I arranged them carefully in my arms, so that the duvet wasn't trailing on the floor. It was with great difficulty that I managed to knock on the closed door of my study, but I managed.

         I wasn't sure what I was going to say, except try and let him know that he'd completely misunderstood when I pushed him away. I was fighting the urge to turn back around and run right into my room. He'd said 'sorry'; he'd bloody apologised! I wasn't sorry, and I didn't want him to be sorry about the kiss.

         I waited for a few seconds before knocking again. No response. Was he ignoring me? I opened the door slowly to reveal an empty room. I looked around, confused, wondering where he'd gone. I stepped back into the hallway, looking left and right down the hallway. Had he left? No, he had come with his dad, so he had no way of leaving.

         I jumped suddenly when the boiler came on, eliciting a whooshing noise as it powered up. I finally noticed some light pouring out from the bottom of the bathroom door. He must be taking a shower.

         I put the duvet and pillow on the sofa bed and sat down, waiting for him to come back in once he'd finished with his shower. I pondered what had just occurred.

         I thought that the kiss had been awesome. No - it had been more than that - it had been mind-blowing, but he'd left so suddenly, apologising as he went. What was going on inside his head? I had been so confident and sure just mere minutes ago, but now I was a jumbled heap of thoughts and emotions. Just thinking about the kiss had me feeling shaky. I could already tell that I'd be thinking of it as The Kiss for a while, perhaps forever. The one that I compared to all others. Suddenly, Leona Lewis's version of 'A Moment Like This' popped into my head.

         ... Some people search forever for that one special kiss...Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this...

         Those lyrics were so accurate and reminiscent of what had just occurred. It was crazy. But the more I sat there and the more I thought, the more I began to doubt myself. Would he really be glad to see me here? What would I even freaking say to him? Maybe it was a mistake. He had apologised.

         I suddenly felt my nerves set in, and bolted out of there before he could return. I shut my bedroom door behind me and literally hurtled myself towards my bed.  I'd let him bring it up... yeah, that's what I'd do, and then... I don't know. It would be awkward, I knew that for sure, but maybe I'd finally get to do something about this attraction I had been feeling.

         I drifted off into a fitful sleep hours later, after changing into my PJs and using a makeup wipe to remove all my makeup. My dreams were unsurprisingly plagued with Drew. 


         I woke up early the next morning and took a long, hot shower. Once out, I dried and straightened my hair carefully. I then proceeded to choose an outfit. I took my time, trying to find something subtly sexy to wear, but casual enough that it wouldn't raise any eyebrows - Cassandra's eyebrows, namely.

         I finally decided on little jean shorts and a long, red spaghetti-strap tank top that hugged my curves and showed off just the right amount of cleavage. I put on a long necklace and these cute red boots I'd had for a while but hardly ever wore, before making my way slowly down the stairs. Drew was an early riser so he should be up. My heart was pounding by the time I finally made it downstairs.

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