Chapter 4: Operation Mongoose

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Inside Storybrooke...
Henry's POV...
I sat in my room, preparing for my mom's arrival. This was the day Robin and Roland would move in. She had asked them a week ago, and they had to get their stuff from the camp and announce to the Merry Men that they would be living here from now on. I was really excited. Not only was my mom getting her happiness but our family was growing. The same thing was happening with my other mom; Emma with Killian. My family was finally happy. However the mysterious note that appeared in my book a week ago cam rushing back into my head. I knew Storybrooke would be in danger if my grandfather returned. However I still didn't know if whoever sent me the note could be trusted. I hadn't told anybody about the note because I didn't want to worry them. Things were finally normal and I didn't want anything to ruin it. Just then I heard the door open and knew my mom was home with Roland and Robin. I threw away the thoughts of Grandpa and C as I heard my mom call for me.

Third Person POV...
    "Henry!" Regina yelled as she opened the door for Robin and Roland.

"Coming!" he yelled back as he came down the stairs. "Hi Robin." Henry greeted him.

"Hello lad." Robin said giving him a hug.

"Hi Henry." Roland said, very happily.

"Hey, Roland. Do you wanna go put your stuff in my room?" Henry asked him.

"Yeah!" Roland exclaimed, running to the stairs closely followed by Henry. Robin and Regina laughed as they watched their sons go up the stairs. They turned to face each other and kissed each other. They both were so happy that their family was now all under the same roof. When they broke apart, Regina lead him into the kitchen so they could get themselves a drink. They both sat down and just talked about their lives and how happy they were with each other and their sons. After a while of just sitting and talking, they both heard the boys coming downstairs. Roland and Henry entered the kitchen with Henry holding his book.

"Hey Mom. I thought we could include Robin and Roland on our operation." Henry said, placing the book on the counter by them.

"I think that's a great idea." Regina agreed. Robin was a little confused but he figured they would explain it.

(A/N: In my story, Regina hasn't shown Robin the storybook. As well as Page 23 has not been found.)

Henry slid the book in front of Robin. "Have you seen this before?" Henry asked him as he stood next to him.

"I don't believe so. Why?" Robin asked, confused about the importance of this book.

"It's a magical storybook. Where everyones' story is written." Henry informed him. He opened the book to show the illustration of his grandparents' wedding. Robin stood astounded at the magic in this book.

"Everyone is in this book?" Robin asked, intrigued.

"There is a few people here and there who are not from the Enchanted Forest but, mainly everybody lived there."

"Where did it come from?" The former their asked.

"We have no idea, it just appeared when I needed it the most during the first curse."

"Henry had an interesting theory about the book." Regina added.

"My theory was that since all books have their authors so, this one can't be any different. The Author wrote all of these stories. I also think we should find him, all of us." Henry said, gesturing to everyone. "All of us can go on an adventure together." he added.

"So... are you up for another adventure?" Regina asked him, with a smile. Roland, Regina, and Henry just looked at Robin, waiting for an answer. Robin then flashed a dashing smile,

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