Chapter 1: Normal... I Think?

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Third Person POV
Storybrooke had been quiet for the past few days. Then again, there was no Dark One wreaking havoc. Regina is officially Mayor again. Emma and Killian were happy together. David and Emma didn't have much to worry about. Robin and Regina were happy with their boys and Mary-Margaret was back teaching her class again. The Spell of Shattered Sight was broken and the whole town seemed to be at peace. It was around mid-day and Regina was working through some paperwork when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come In." Regina yelled, clearing off her desk. Her office door opened to reveal her soulmate Robin Hood with a bag from Granny's and Regina couldn't do anything but smile.

"Good day, m'lady." Robin greeted her, "I brought it upon myself to bring you lunch." he said as he placed the bag on her desk.

"Thank you." she said, placing a kiss on his lips. Robin smiled back, he was so happy that he was with Regina. Not only had she come a long way from her days from the Evil Queen, she was also a wonderful mother to Henry and was becoming one to Roland. Regina could only revel on how happy she was. She never could of thought that she could find her happiness, but she did.

"What is it?" Robin asked her.

"I'm happy." Regina said, looking up at her thief. Robin knew why she was so surprised but he wasn't surprised at all because he knew she could overcome her darkness. "Things feel normal. Well... normal for Storybrooke." she giggled. Robin laughed as well, knowing nothing would be perfectly normal in this town.

"How about we take your lunch break back to my camp? Roland has been asking to spend time with you." he told her, giving a dashing smile.

"I would love that." Regina said, picking up the bag. They took each other's hand and walked out of the office.

In New York...
Rumple was beyond upset... he was enraged. His wife had betrayed him and banished him from Storybrooke. He had no magic and was completely powerless. Rumple now knew he needed to get back to Storybrooke so he could take back his happy ending... by any means necessary. But first, he needed help and he knew just where to get it. It was time for the villains to get what they wanted.

Back in Storybrooke...
As Regina and Robin were having lunch with Roland, Regina couldn't help but get the feeling they were being watched. However, she shook away the feeling because she just wanted to focus on Roland and Robin. Little did the family know they were being watched. Near the border of the camp, a figure in a dark blue cloak stood by watching the family.

"Don't worry." they whispered, "Nothing will happen while I'm here."

A/N: Hi readers! This is my first OUAT Fanfic! I absolutely love this show! I hope you all love this story too. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! I love feedback! I hope Oncers enjoy this! Love you!

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