Chapter 28- Handsome Saiyan Stranger...

Start from the beginning

"I must admit I'm impressed" Frieza complemented.
"This kid has quite the power level, it's very impressive indeed, where has he even been hiding all this time" Sibella whispered.
"I'll you what kid, I'll give you a piece of advice 'he who acquires his skills quickly is he who is the first to perish'" Frieza stated.
"Thanks for the tip- now let me give you one- know your enemy you've already made some pretty big assumptions about me and that will cost you dearly.
"You insolent brat you should learn to watch your tongue!"

King Cold however was pressing Frieza to hurry up and get it over with, Frieza however was enjoying the trash talking.

"You don't have all day you know, more like 5 minutes" the stranger warned him.
"Oh really, what a shame, and here I made dinner plans"
"So I hear, well I'm sorry Frieza, but I'm cancelling your date with Goku"
"Kakarott is on his way back?!" Sibella was surprised and glad to hear
"So I take you know that worthless Saiyan?" Frieza spat
"By reputation, but we'll meet soon" he added
"Don't be so certain"
"But I am, and Goku will be coming home soon and only one of us will be here waiting for him"
"I was about to suggest the same thing, its nice we can agree on something" Frieza coyly said.
"For once you're right"
"Well then I guess I should decide how I will annihilate you" Frieza mocked
"Enough kidding around, I'm now going to let you in on a little secret, you're about to find out what its like to fight a real super Saiyan- and I'm not talkin about Goku" The stranger confidently boasted.

It was then that same familiar feel began emulating from him...Frieza actually panicked and took a step back in fear.

"No, that's impossible, he couldn't be could he...a ...a super Saiyan!" she gasped as she watched him power up to such an extent.
His hair became blonde, he was engulfed in gold flames and his eyes, those same eyes that Goku had when he fought Frieza, the true eyes of a Saiyan.

Enraged Frieza launched an attack at him in rage, causing quite a blow, flames and dust.
When it cleared, the stranger was still standing there unharmed.

"Hmm, my ,my"
" I really hope that's not the best you can do, cause if it is you better give up now!"
"We'll see about that boy- take this!"

The kid managed to head on handle an attack and send it flying all over, and all with a smile on his face.

"Now that's what I call a Saiyan"
"Looks to me like you're running out of tricks Frieza"

King Cold was actually impressed too by the stranger's ability. They stood silently for a moment and the young man told Frieza to try and attack him once more, then it would be over for him. Frieza wasted no time and got the same attack ready that he used on Namek to blow up the whole planet with his death ball.

"Is he really going to just- oh my god!" she gasped as she saw him take on the attack head on once more.
From where she was it looked as though it was sinking into the planet slowly, and it was, for a few seconds, but the stranger appeared and lifted the whole thing with one hand.
Completely dumbfounding Frieza and his father.

"Oh, my lord" Sibella gapsed
"Excuse me, is this yours?" the stranger joked.

She smiled and lightly giggled at his confidence, it was refreshing. Frieza however launched an attack at the bomb causing a massive explosion!
Once the smoke cleared the strange was gone.

"He, he's can't be" she gasped.

Suddenly she felt something near her, looking to her right she could see there he was standing there watching Frieza and his father, with not a single mark or scuff on him.
He then readied his hands and shouted aloud.

"Hey Frieza!"

Frieza was in massive shock as he turned around to see and attack heading straight for him.
He flew up to dodge the attack only to have the stranger suddenly appear above him with his sword in hand. In one foul swoop, he sliced Frieza right down the middle, then again and again until he was in bits- but he didn't stop there- he pulled out his left hand and blasts the bits into dust, there was not a shred of Frieza left.
His father was petrified at seeing what happened to his son.
Together they both landed on the ground and stood opposite each other in a brief silence.

After a few moments of trash talking Sibella got bored of listening to it all, so she stood up from where she was and shot out a small sharp beam right through King Cold's heart.
The stranger then flew up and blew up Frieza's ship.
Sibella then flew over to the stranger and they stared at each other for a few moments while King Cold was gasping against a rock formation in pain.

"Not that I felt you couldn't handle it- I just felt like you should haven't to do all the work alone" she smiled.

He looked at her and returned the smile, they both then lifted a hand fired an attack at King Cold, destroying him completely.

"I have to say, I'm impressed with you" she commented.

The stranger powered down and continued keeping his eyes on hers.

"Thanks" he responded.

Together they landed on the ground, she then noticed him look into the sky behind her.
Looking around she saw Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu Yamcha and Vegeta.

"Well, well look who's late to the party" she joked.

The stranger smiled at them all and shouted out.

"I'm going to a place not far from here to meet Goku, would you guys like to come, it's just over this way, he should be arriving in a couple hours- come on don't worry I don't bite!"

"You know Kakarott?" Sibella asked.

He simply smiled and took off to the east.
Confused but all too curious she followed right behind him and the others were doing the same.

"Seriously who is this guy?" she pondered.

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