"Park Chaeyoung? Is that really you?" the girl giggled. Jisoo bear hugged her instantly, not believing what she was seeing before her. "좋아 보이는데! (You look great!) Seriously, you are quite the sight. Puberty really did you justice,"

Chaeyoung immediately became shyer at the compliment. "고마워요 언니, 너도. (Thanks, Jisoo. You too.) I'm surprised to see you here!" The conversation continues, and the service starts. Chaeyoung follows Jisoo into the worship hall to find some seats near the back. Y/N is busy beating herself up over small things that could potentially go wrong in an attempt to make sure the service runs smoothly, Lisa and Jennie are singing their hearts out on stage with the band, Namjoon is welcoming people into the door, Jackson still watching over the kids.

The beautiful hall is temporarily being decorated with colourful, flashy lights; the band is on fire with grace and enthusiasm; you can see everyone in the crowd between the modern pews singing and praising to their hearts' content; there seemed to be something of a miniscule moshpit forming by the front. Honestly, if you were coming in from the outside, you probably wouldn't have guessed on your first try that this was a church service. It was extraordinary. By now, Jackson has made his way into the hall to discuss something with one of the parents. While Reverend Park preached, Chaeyoung found herself glancing to her right from time to time, completely distracted from what was going on on the stage. Jisoo had noticed this and nudged Jackson, who just approached her. Jackson smiled, seeing how much Chaeyoung was still in a trance because of Y/N. "She was pretty distracted before as well, but they haven't had much of a chance to really talk," Jisoo nodded, trying to think of a plan in her head... After she thought about what kind of chicken to have for dinner. Priorities.

The service had ended, Y/N was getting a few things sorted before re-joining everyone outside to chat. "Come on, you perfectionist! We gotta get out there and mingle, meet the other members. I heard you have your eye on someone already. What about the cafe girl?" Lisa gave you a sly smirk, pushing your mind back toward the girl who still remained nameless to you.

"First of all, I know. Second of all, shut up, how did you already know that? Third of all, same girl," Lisa's face resembled the 'Pikachu shocked meme' and you just burst in a fit of giggles. You loved how she could flip your mood around in an instant even if you didn't realise you were in a fixated mood. "God, I love you so much, Manoban. I hope you know that,"

"Pfft. Of course, I know that. How could you possibly not love me? Honestly, Y/N," you scoffed coolly, both linked arms together, and left the now calm looking worship hall. Your eyes darted around, you were looking for her. 'How do I still not know her name?' Your eyes furrowed together, not being able to find her anywhere. 'Maybe she just went to the bathroom?  For a consecutive thirty minutes? Yeah, very likely.' You internally rolled your eyes at yourself. Had you really become this infatuated by someone you didn't even know? 'But why can't I find h-'

"Stop overthinking about whatever it is you're overthinking this time and eat this chicken,"

"Jisoo-" you mumble, with food in your mouth. Your eyes widen. 'IT IS SO TASTY.'

"I know, and you're welcome. Jennie made it actually, she made a whole batch," you salivate at the thought of having more of the chicken before Lisa interrupts you mid-thought. There's no more left.

"This is the last piece. You want it?" Waving it around like a child, Lisa taunts you. Pouting like the maknae that you are, she starts to give in a little. As soon as you had her in the palm of your hand, you grab the chicken. You're about to take a bite from what is some of the tastiest Korean fried chicken you've had in a while, until you see her, and stop. She's leaving already, and that made you frown a little and then you frown even more because Jisoo came between you and the chicken - literally sticking her head right in front of yours - and munched down.

Jennie had just made her way over and let out a laugh at what just happened before her. "Jisoo-unnie, did you really just eat the poor baby's chicken?" She was still in a fit of laughter. "That's so tragic. Y/N, I'll make you some more some time if you'd like. Exclusively for you, none for Jisoo. Deal?"

Your eyes glowed. "YES PLEASE!" Jisoo's mouth fell to the floor.

Jennie showcased her gummy smile seeing as everyone seemed to really enjoy her chicken. She was like a little master chef at home. "Anyway, sorry I took so long. I was just having a little chat with Alice and Mrs Park. They wanted to compliment me on the food,"

"You really outdid yourself. Dish after dish, you never cease to amaze," you complimented.

"Aw! Thanks, Y/N/N," the girls continue talking, suddenly Alice comes over to join you. "Oh, Alice! Have you met Y/N?" The girls looked over at you, your thoughts were preoccupied with her.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N?"

"Oh!" Your cheeks flush a light shade of pink, embarrassed that you've been caught in a bit of a daydream. "Yes?"

Alice laughs lightly, "Yeah, we've met. 잘 지냈어? (How have you been?)" Almost as if she's testing how much Korean you know, she awaits your response.

You smile at her knowingly, "I'm alright. How are you?"

"Good, good. I'm just making my way around before I leave. Just wanted to say hi and that you did a great job during the service! We're lucky to have you guys with us." The four of you thank her for her kindness. Alice gets a message and has to dismiss herself suddenly. "Ah, sorry, that was my sister. I've got to get going soon."

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, her name is Roseanne."

Jisoo shines for a moment before shaking excitedly. "Oh! 너의 여동생은 채영이지? (Your sister's Chaeyoung, right?)"

"그렇구나! (That's right!)"

Your brows furrow for a little moment, putting the pieces together. You understood well enough what Jisoo had asked, but, "Who's Chaeyoung?" Alice then proceeds to show you her phone's wallpaper of her family. From the left to the right: Mrs Park, her, Alice, Reverand Park. Your mouth falls agape before you quickly shutting it.

"She hasn't been staying around after the service lately, unfortunately..." You could see the concern written on her face. "She goes by Roseanne,"

'That really is the kind of name that just rolls off your tongue nicely, isn't it? Damn. Roseanne.'

The Pastor's Daughter [BLACKPINK ROSÉ x FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now