the one with the death

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lets write a deppreso chapter shall we 😂👌

Danny POV 

"NOOOOOOOOOO" I scream through my sobs as I fall to my knees. the phone in my hand fell beside me. gut wrenching sobs leave my throat, scratching all sides of my jugular. I hear faint steps behind me, then someone falling to the floor next to me. familiar arms wrap around me and I fall into his lap, drenching his chest as I stare at the body on the bed. the heart monitor still showing the clear signs of death. 

"Danny, baby. calm down. breathe, I'm right here." I hear the voice, quiet, close to my ear. I feel him pull me closer, which I liked, his scent comforting me. his hand raking through my greasy hair, like he knows I love. 

"I-it-its f-fai-fair t-they sa-said he was get-tting be-better, that he w-was goi-going to be fi-fine" i cry between my sobs. 

"i know, its not fair, life is cruel." 

"life i-is wo-worse th-than cruel" 

"i know Dan, i know." he continues to stroke my hair. 

I soon run my throat dry, stopping my cries. my tears don't stop. he managed to get me onto the sofa next to the window, for fresh air and so the nurses can un plug everything from the limp body on the bed. he hands me a cup of water as I stare blankly towards the bed. he rubs my back, my tears falling onto my jeans. a nurse comes over to us, my focus still on the dead body. 

"Mr Haylock?" she asks, I shake my head slowly, moving my focus towards the sorrowful face. everything was slow motion. "would you like to say your last goodbyes?" 

"what's the point. he's dead. and seeing his face again isn't going to help." I speak, quietly. a few tears fell into my mouth and I could taste the saltiness of this situation. the nurse nods and turns towards him. 

"would you?" 

"yes, ill be back in a second Dan." he says quietly. I nod and turn my focus to the birds flying I the sky out the window. so free, unlike my best friend, through thick and thin he was always there for me. since I got kicked out when I was a teen. since the disaster my husband called a wedding. somehow, he managed to comfort me when he was dying, slowly and painfully. 

"hey, I'm back. we need to go though." I hear his voice, I look to him and nod. slowly standing, he takes my hand and we walk all the way home, the fresh air feeling good on my hot, rosy tear stained cheeks. I never made eye contact with anything or anyone the whole walk back. I just stared blankly at the grey concrete below my feet. 

I walked into the apartment and a lump rises into my throat. he's never going to be in here again. never going to make fun of all the shit lying around. never going to grow old. 

"baby, what are you thinking about?" he asks, I shake my head and look to him finally making eye contact. 

"I don't want to talk about it right now. can we just go to bed?" I ask. he nods and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him bringing me into a hug. I rest my cheek on his shoulder and I nuzzle my face into the crook of is neck. 

" I love you." I whisper. 

"I love you too." he kisses my neck. i pull back slightly and look into Roy's eyes. I smile a bit more brighter than earlier and tangle my hand into his hair, pulling his face closer. our lips meet and I forget about Chris for a split second. we walk to our room and i collapse onto the soft bed and watch Roy change into his PJ'S and slowly climb into the bed beside me. 

"ill miss you." i whisper and let sleep overtake me, a tear slowly falling onto my pillow. 

i  had to make it 666 words. i don't know why but i just had to.

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