Chapter 8 Discoverd

Start from the beginning

By now I had gotten so use to Kaiya and our relationship that I didn't't care if people knew anymore. I loved him just the way he/she was, whether that was a boy or a girl at the moment. so why wouldn't't others also do the same? why wouldn´t other be able to to see just how wonderful Kaiya was? i try´d telling her this, But kaiya was to afraid of what would happen. Billy and his boys hadn´t helped. nether had they stopt teasing us or throw different double meanings to embarrass us. luckily most of his gang had graduated and where no longer here. they had just left the fears in Kaiya. So I kept quite for her. 

 The days past and I was often at Kaiyas place. And kaiya was often at my place. My parents loved her. My brother adored him, yeah my brother always referred to Kaiya as him. i went whit what ever Kaiya was dressed as at the moment.  Her parents liked me, they where happy I weren't some odd guy that would misuse their trust, they would tell me when i came over. and that eat at me a lot. i felt guilty to be deceiving them, because as soon as they wheren´t looking we where all over each other. and they seriously thought i was just a friend and nothing more. But I couldn't't do anything about it, i understood from meeting and talking to her parents how much of homophobs and strict snobs they really where.  they would not tolerate that their son wasn´t "perfect". that he would be dressing in girl clothes and have boyfriends. no their son was going to be a mans man and get the best of grades, go to a good collage marry a pretty nice girl, have children and so on. anything a side from this perfect plan was unacceptable to them. they didn´t tell me they caught Kaiya doing the things he did. they didn´t need to, they where obviously to ashamed of him. because i heard it in their disguised hurtful peaks at him that they really would have rather never kept him had they known he would try dressing up. i had once tried to defend him in a round about way. showing support to him. telling them about the case on TV where a trans gender female to male had impregnate herself and was now a pregnant male. that they where doing good research on this and that in a couple of years a decade or so it might be possible for males to carry children just like females did for nine months. this had them shrinking their noses in disgust and ranting about how sick that was. that they should stop founding such ridicules things. things didn´t defrost that day until i got Kaiyas dad talking about sports and the fact i had a girlfriend. of course we didn´t tell them Kaiya was the girlfriend. i just told him she was really beautiful and sweet. and that allot of guys at school where jealous. apparently me having a girlfriend meant i wasn't a gay supporter. at least that was kind of how her father said it to me. yeah i did not like her parents. and i now understod why Kaiya was so scared of coming out to her parents. she was right these where the kind of parents that would never accept her as she was. 

 It was late. Kaiyas parents had been gone on one of their travels again, they seriously just left Kaiya alone way to often. and on those days i try´d to be whit Kaiya as often as possible. they where expected back in three days, so we took the opportunity to be as close as we could. who could blame us. in a way we where still in our pink little mist of a bubble every time we where alone. and Me and Kaiya had made it the day in the town and was now relaxing in kaiyas room. It had been fun shopping whit Kaiya. because she would make sure to buy things i liked seeing her in. telling me she was dressing up for me as much as herself. this meant allot of short skirts and tight pants. yeah i know, but she got me addicted so of course i liked it when i got to see her or him show of those slim silky soft legs. legs that was currently wrapped over the back of my thighs as we where making out on her bed, like I said we had problems keeping our hands to our self. it was an almost impossible task, i mean Kaiya was beautiful. She had been wearing a dress in light purple that had made her look even more angelic then usual. Her lips tasted like Cherry's from the lipstick she wore. I where stroking her hair as she headed her way down to my jeans unbuttoning them and pulling out my erection. some of her soft hair fell down surrounding her face as she leaned down and tasted me. Her face was hidden behind a wail of her locks when I felt her warm lips closing around me. I moaned loudly and pulled her hair back gently behind her face so i could better see her, bobbing her head over me.                                                                                                                 -uhn... kaiya... I love you so much..                                                                                                                     - KYLE! WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS! Get that THING out of your mouth IMMEDIATELY! we pulled apart violently, scared to death by the sudden intrusion into our little haven, trying to cover as much as possible.  It was Kaiyas parents, Apparently they had gotten home early and neglected to tell Kaiya they where coming. had we known we obviously wouldn´t been doing anything. But now it was to late, they had seen everything. I blushed furiously. Then I felt fright when I saw how Kaiya jumped then pulled back as if he had burned himself. He looked terrified at his parents. Like he was going to start crying any moment.                                          -Honey! He is in those clothes again! Kaiyas mom yelled whit a screeching voice,afraid at this as if it was the end of the world.                                                                                                                                      - Kyle! get out of those things immediately!! her/his father said threateningly                                   -Take them of NOW! Kaiyas mom yelled then started to literally of the pretty dress Kaiya had been wearing, a dress i had brought her after she had seen it in the store window. I couldn't' just watch this horrible humiliating scene. So I jumped in between them stopping her mother from humiliating her any further.                                                                                                                                              -STOP that. cant you see your hurting Kaiya! i yelled at her mother angrily, this made her quickly turn on me. pointing at me furiously.                                                                                                                           - YOU! We trusted you. is this how you repay us! By leading our only son father into his crazy delusions. HIS name is Kyle! HE is a BOY! Your disgusting! to deceive us like this. Letting him dress in those humiliating clothes like some mentally insane!                                                                                 - Kyle you're such an embarrassment to your family! do you REALLY think he CARES for you!? He's OBVIOUSLY only using you. He probably couldn't't get anything else, so he went for such a disgrace like you.                                                                                                                                                     - STOP IT! you disgust me!SHE is Kaiya! And I Love him just the way he or she is. You have no right saying those things to him ore me for that matter! Don't you DARE to touch him like he is deceased! If he wants to wear dresses its her choice. And he looks gorgeous in them!                                              - OUT! YOUR FILTHY FAG! OUT! there is nothing for you here! Never come near Kyle again! Kaiyas father hit me whit his fist hard in my face and then took a hold of me before i could gather myself and he kicked me out of the house. He then thew out my cloths after me, as if they where the most disgusting thing he ever encountered. his face was absolutely fuming whit hate towards me. I could hear them Yelling inside of the house. I was convinced they where hitting Kaiya. but his father had looked the door so I couldn't't get in, no matter how much i tried. I could hear kaiya scream of pain and panic. And I kept screaming for her, for them to stop, to let her go. i was frantically pulling the door but it was useless. i tried kicking it, smashing at it. trying to get in any other way but it was impossible. so I stayed in there garden outside their door the entire night, praying to what ever god ore higher being that would listen for Kaiya to be alright

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