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From the start of her little adventure in the garden, Allumi felt eyes on the back of her head but every time she turned around to check if there was nothing there. It was going like this for some time now and she is creeped out right now.

So you may be asking why was she outside? 1) She was bored 2) Milluki forgot to close the door to the playroom.
Usually, when Silva or Illumi was home they took care of her but today Silva had an important meeting and Illumi was training outside the house and then he has to go on a mission so they had no other choice than to left her with Milluki. In her opinion, it wasn't that bad, he left her alone most of the time to play his games and then she could sneak out and roam around but today was different.

She got lost.

She got lost and don't know how to come back. It was silly, she lived in this mountain for her whole life and even so, she got lost. It's not her fault that she didn't have this something that's called 'sense of direction', who needs that.

At the afterthought she does and she needs this fast, like really fast, but someone at heaven had other plans for her. It's so stupid. She wants Illumi to find her and go home. Allumi wanted to cry but then she remembered Illumi words.

'We are assassins we don't cry Allumi, your to strong and to pretty to cry.'

'I won't cry, I will make Illu proud of me and won't cry because of this.'

And so there she is alone on the other side of the mountain alone. Sometimes her stubbornness gets in the way. She crouched down and brought her knees to her face.

'I have to be strong'

Lifting her face with a determined look, she will find her way back home, she's strong like Illu, well he says so so it must be true. At some point.

'Okay Allumi you can do it, just go back the same way you come.' And she did, well tried to.

°Meanwhile at the main house.°

Milluki was screwed, he got information that Illumi was to be back at the end of the day with dad and he couldn't find Allumi. He looked everywhere, she wasn't in the household or at butler's house. She hasn't even with Alluka. He has to find her or else Illumi will have his head and then dad and mom.

'Where the fuck she is? She couldn't go that far away.'

Oh, how wrong he was.

∆With Allumi∆

She somehow found a road, thank god she did. But even so, she still could feel eyes at the back of her head.

"Is someone there? Come out I won't do anything."

Nothing. Must have been her imagination. She walked along the road and found big doors and very enormous wall.

Suddenly it opened and she saw people coming in.

"Okay, we will capture Zoldycks and get money for their heads!"

One of them noticed her. He was tall muscular with a big scar running across his face. Allumi could feel his eyes on her looking at her up and down. She didn't know why but he smiled at her, she didn't like it, it was weird he didn't smile like Papa does or Alluka.

Little ZoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now