Test × Of × Tests

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Finally, after 2 weeks of exploring and wandering around Allumi found a way to get to the first stage of the exam. On her way, she accidentally heard two men talking about the exam, so deciding it's better than nothing she just followed them. Who would think that it was some small restaurant? Not her that's sure. It was a miracle that they didn't notice her, she wasn't the stealthiest person, even her grandpa told her that watching and sneaking on someone wasn't her thing. So how two grown men who didn't notice the petite white-haired girl in a frilly pink dress that was trailing after them is a mystery.

People who were walking by could swear on their lives that they hear her quietly singing something that went 'Don't be suspicious'. She was odd, yes, but they could not question her on what she was doing. Looking so intensely concentrated, she must have been really into it.

The Restaurant owner Tom saw many things in his life. A disturbing magician, a man with needles in him and a boy no older than 12 who wants to be a hunter. He assumed he saw everything, being assigned a role to guard the entrance to the exam gived him the lifetime worth amount of weirdos, but when he saw a pair of men walking into his restaurant and a small girl not too far behind them just put the dot above the 'i'.

"What can I get for you?" Tom asked with a rough voice. One out of the two men walked closer to him. He saw many people think that they would pass the exam, rich ones, poor ones, thick-witted ones, and his favorite the prideful ones. They held their heads high, talking about how they will pass and get loads of gold.

"Steak, medium-rare. For two" These idiots even got the password wrong. Well, its nothing unique, this year's guide are Kirikos. Only they and he knows this year's password.

"Take a seat, I will call you when your order is done." Oh, he saw the pissed look one of them was sending him. He could try to attack him but it would be even dumber than their wannabe password. Chairman Netero didn't give him this role this year for nothing. He maybe wasn't the best hunter that there are, but he was still an Hunter.

"What the fuck do you mean 'sit down'!?!?!" One out of the two men shouted and banged his fist on the counter. As he did, Tom didn't even look up from the food he was making.

" I mean what i said, which part of 'sit down' you don't understand." The hot-headed man was slowly turning red in anger, he took out a knife from his pocket and griped a man who was sitting on the stool near them.

Allumi watched the scene in front of her and felt scared for the man that was held captive. She had to do something, but what? Looking around the restaurant she noticed a metal plate and sneaked to get it.

"Me and my bro are here to take the Hunter Exam and we know the entrance is here, at your bar," The second man replied while leaning his left arm on the counter and pointed at the captive man with the right. "so why won't you take us there, and no one will get hurt." He continued with a smooth voice. Tom peered from what he was doing. The man with a knife had a very stern look if it even could be called that. He wore a khaki shirt and black cargo pants with too many pockets than it is necessary, probably to hide weapons, he also had black combat boots.

One thing drew Tom's attention, it was the knife that he used. Black clip point, silver holder with a dragon on it. At first glance, he though his eyes were playing a trick on him, it wasn't that case this time, that blade unquestionably was forged in the Black Continent, very sharp, deadly, and expensive. They were hard to get hold of with legal methods, it was almost impossible because the government prohibited any kind item that was from there.

Glancing at the other man, his clothes looked almost like a copy of his partners. Long-sleeved black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Very expensive watch on his wrist and holster with a gun in it on his right leg.

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