That Day..

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Adira was happy in her life.This happiness was only because of the one person.Her only friend,her supporter and her love Mihir.The only one person who came in her life and gave her so many beautiful memories to cherish.Today she was going to tell him that she love him and want to marry him.She wanted to be in his arms forever.Adira smiled looking into the mirror.Her face was not dull and pale.She was looking fresh and happy.A beautiful smile adoring her face.She usually not bothered with how she looks and all but today she herself want to look good.For her Mihir.

Adira walk to their usual spot." That Roadside Bench " is somehow become the most important part of her life.The destination at which she met her soulmate who give her so many reasons to live.Adira softly carasse the bench smilingly.She was as usual waiting for Mihir when a small boy come walking slowly to her.She smiled at him.He slowly take out a letter from his pocket.

" Mihir bhaiya tell me to give this to you.."

The boy handed over the letter to her and went away quickly.Adira look sideways to find out the owner of that letter.Might be he hide somewhere and watching her through the corner of his eyes.Adira smilingly open the folds of that letter and started reading it.

Hii Beauty,

A smile appeared on her face when she read that.

Remember that day you had given a letter to me, so now today I am writing a letter to you.I know today also as usual you are waiting for me sweetheart..but I can't come Because I have gone so far from you that I never return to you.

Her heart beat stop for a second.

Yes darling ,I am no more..I was suffering from a life threatening disease and yesterday that disease took my life away from me.I am in the last stage of my life when you came into my life.My doctor gives me two options.Rather I have to admit in the hospital so I can survive for some extra months or I will do nothing but only to wait for my death.

Her hands were shaking and her throat went dry.

That day when I was returning from the hospital I saw you sitting on the bench alone and crying heart out.My heart ache seeing you in this condition and then I decided to spend my last month by my choice and brings happiness in your life by making you a friend so I will help you in solving your problems.For a while I felt not to enter in your life when I was nearing the end of mine but I can't stop myself to talk to you,To make you my friend and to bring smile on your face.

But In this short span our beautiful friendship I don't know when I fall in love with you.Yes Adira..I love you and how much I wish I could spend my whole life with you.

Tears started rolling from her eyes and a tear drop fall on the later.She continued reading with her blurry vision.

Hey Sweetheart , don't cry ok..You promise me you will never cry..Never.

Adira wipe her tears.

Our life is moving Adira and we have to move on with each passing second.There is always a new day with a new hope.So don't ever stop in your life.Make new friends,never stop doings things which gives you happiness and chase your dreams.I am sure someone will hold your hand,will take care of you and brings smile on your face like I did.Live your life happily Because you have the biggest reason to live is

Your Heart Is Still Beating.. Live Your Life To The Fullest Until Your Last Heartbeat.

                                                                                                                                                                    Your Friend


Adira finish reading the whole letter.She knows her each and every heartbeat is only for Mihir.A small smile appeared on her face when she read the last part." Your Friend ".She clutch that letter to her heart and few words escape her mouth.

" I love you Mihir.. "

Sorry , But Not Every Story Has A Fairytale Ending.

Epilogue coming soon.

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