Past Injuries

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Here is the update on the occasion of  Christmas.

Its been a week Adira was meeting to Mihir.In fact the whole day she waited only for this meeting.He is like a new hope to her life.The only friend who she can trust.She knows Mihir is a flirt,funny and extremely handsome guy who can easily make a girl fall in love with him but at the same time he is kind,caring and good at heart.Adira smiled at her thoughts as she makes her way towards their regular spot." That roadside bench " .

Adira slowly sit on the bench waiting for Mihir.

" Sorry Darling..I am late. " Mihir came running and sit beside her.He was looking tired and breathing heavily to get some air.

Adira was now used to his flirting so she did not mind calling her as darling.Opening the sip of her handbag she handed water bottle to him.Mihir take that bottle and drink some water.

" Thanks..gorgeous.."

Adira smiled at him as he return the bottle to her.She keep that bottle in her bag and slowly takes out a letter.Adira tap his shoulder to gain his attaintion as mihir was glancing here and there.He look at her smilingly and she handed him that letter.

" letter..I know you will surely fall for me. " Mihir said smiling cutely.

Adira hit his arm playfully and gesture him to read it.

Mihir open the folds of the letter and started reading it.Adira has written all her past in that letter.Everything about her parents and the accident in which she lost her voice and her sister Atisha.Tears started rolling down his eyes as he was reading.His throat was dry.

" Truly this girl is so brave.How can a person get so much of pain in his life. " Mihir thought while reading.

After 5 minute he finish reading that whole letter.Adira was looking at him.Mihir slowly place his hand above her.She need his support.She need someone who will understand her.The one who will take care of her.Her feelings overtake her emotions and she hug him tight.She was sobbing in his arms.Mihir slowly caress her back to calm down her at the same time he was in tears.

" Don't worry..everything is fine.."

 Mihir said caressing her back while clearing his throat as the words trying hard to escape from his mouth after reading all this.He feel the same amount of pain in his heart but he was trying to calm down her.Adira was feeling safe in his arms.The warm of his arms was giving positivity to her.She was feeling like there is no more sadness in her life.

After sometime they broke the hug and Mihir wipe her tears.

" Hey sweetheart don't cry..I don't like your cry face.And that damn tears are spoiling my beautiful sight of your eyes.So please smile now.. "

Adira give small smile to him.

" like music na..? then lets dance..what say..? " Mihir said trying to cheer up her.

Adira was surprise by his act.Mihir played a song on his phone and take her hand in his.They started dancing on the road and everyone was watching them with curiosity and amusement.They dance like a carefree bird.

After sometime they sit on the bench tired.

" Wow..what an amazing movement of the life..Did you enjoy it..? " Mihir asked looking at her.

Adira smiled and nodded.She felt really bless that Mihir was in her life.Who support her,take care of her,who make her smile and with him life seem very easy.

" Adira..Promise me that you will never cry.Never.."

Adira place her hand in his promising him and mihir smiled to her.

" You know Adira we have to enjoy each and every movement of life until when our heart stops.Everyone had their past wether good or bad but every day come with a new hope and we have to cherish this life and appreciate every beat of our heart given to ous. "

This was a new lesson for Adira.

" Live your life to the fullest until your last heartbeat. "

How was this part..? 

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