His Existence

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Adira was back to her routine and living her life like a burden.Her smile was vanish from her face.She learn how to live without uttering a word as god has taken away her soft and beautiful voice.She hardly interact with anyone.

Adira was as usual returning from her office to home when she stop at the particular spot and and sit on the same bench adjacent to the road.She had made it a part of her routine to sit here.Looking at the moving vehicles,unknown people walking on the street was more blissful than to be alone at home.This busy street help Adira to forget about her worst life for a while.

This was the third day as Adira chose to sit there staring at the road.She looking at the road when she feel sudden appearance of a person sitting beside her.Adira look at him.He was almost of her age and was wearing black jeans and red chex shirt.His face was looking fresh and happy.A perfect charming and handsome man on which girls can easily drool over.He slowly sit beside her giving a small smile.Adira did not smile to him.She continue to stare at the road but she felt little better with his presence.At least she is not alone now.The man beside her stared at her for a while.Her eyes are hopeless and her beautiful face was looking tired and very pale.She is young but there is no freshness or any kind of happiness on her face.Looking at her condition something broke inside him.He wanted to ask her but chose to remain silent.

Both are just staring at the road silently.Half an hour later Adira stood up and started walking to her home but today she felt something different.Maybe only a mere presence of a person can be helpful to forget the loneliness in life.

Short chapter but holds a lot of emotions..

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