'No Sugar, I'm already sweet enough.


'I'm not the one ring to rule them all...'

'You rule me...'

'This is getting weird.'

'I like it a little weird ;)'

'That's because you're weird :) I'm going to sleep now.'

'Goodnight, bunny mama.'

'Get away from those damn generators.'

'Can't. Completely addicted, hotty boo.'

'I'm so done.'

'... Jelly hugs.'


'My personal favourite for the night: Sunshine bug'

'Aww that's kind of cute...'


'No. Good night.'

'Sleep tight, Pretty Buns.'

Shaking my head as I exited out of the conversation, I set an alarm and turned off the light. As I settled down to fall asleep, I set the phone up to match my old settings and posted to Facebook to let everyone know I had a new phone without contacts, but the same number.


Waking up the next morning, something inside me had given way over night. I felt like I had actually slept. I was actually looking forward to the day, instead of dreading every moment I would have to get through because of Taylor. But, the more I thought about him, the more my stomach twisted.
I already had so much value placed in Taylor and if he were to turn around and do what he did again, would I be able to handle it a second time? Better yet, would I be able to wake up to myself and walk away for good? Looking back, Jake wasn't anything Taylor is to me and if it was Jake... and it had been when Milly showed up, I had walked away without looking back. I hadn't minded at all, especially when Taylor started being my Taylor.
Could I treat Taylor the way I treated Jake, if Taylor screwed up again? My head spun at the thought that I might have to give him up. Because really, that's what it came down too. I could and was giving Taylor a second chance, because I didn't want to give him up. When it was good, he was one of the most amazing people I had ever met, but when he was bad, I couldn't walk away even though his treatment of me was more painful than I had ever received when dealing with a guy.
Moving mechanically around my room as I mulled over Taylor and how much I actually trusted him not to blindside me again, I grabbed up my shower things and walked out of the room.

By the end of the shower, I had come to a decision. I had to see where this went with Taylor, but should he spin on a dime and freak out again, I had to cut him loose. Just for my own sanity, because if I didn't, I would continue to go back to him every time until I had nothing left inside of me and I refused to be that girl. One more tantrum from him, and I was done for good.

With my mind headed in a clear direction and with a clear plan, I practically bounced as I walked. Kathy took me in with a smirk, as I re-entered our room.
"You've been MIA all weekend," I observed and she grinned.
"Tom knows how to keep me busy," She replied and I grimaced.
"Gross. If you're so busy, why do you always find time to yell at me about Taylor?" I rolled my eyes.
"Because you ruined my life," she muttered, rather dramatically in my opinion.
"Anything I can do to help, maybe just an old girly chit chat about it?" I offered lightly, and she laughed at me.
"Robbo didn't tell you, did he? You were just talking shit," Kathy smirked at me and I huffed at her and glared.
"I just think it's really rude that this bet revolves around me and I don't even know what the bet is," I murmured, choosing my clothes for the day.
"Too bad, how sad," she popped her bottom lip out at me in a faux pout.
"Yeah, I can see you're really torn up about it," I rolled my eyes.
"Completely," she grinned as I glared at her. Turning back to my wardrobe, my mind wandered to tonight and Taylor telling me to wear something good. I didn't have something good. ...well I did, but it wasn't the something good I feel I should be wearing to meet the standards of his something good.
"What are you doing this afternoon?" I asked, picking at my clothes.
"Probably procrastinating," Kathy replied.
"I hate that word," I murmured mostly to myself, before turning around to face her. "Want to come help me pick out something to wear for whatever Taylor has planned for me tonight?" I asked and she gave me an unimpressed look.
"You mean to celebrate me losing the bet that will now force me to do unspeakable things at a to-be-determined location and time?" she murmured dryly.
"Yeah, that one," I grinned and she rolled her eyes.
"Sure," she sighed. "Count me in."

On the way to class, I stopped at the gym to pick up my weeks' pay. Walking through to the office, I heard a wolf whistle and turned to glare.
"Hey muffin love," Taylor smirked at me, teasingly.
"Excuse me," I glared at him, and nearly cracked my serious expression to smile, when his eyes widened at my tone. "You aren't welcome in this gym while I'm here," I told him, fully aware of how haughty I sounded. "You need to leave." I only had eyes for Taylor but I hadn't missed the way people had stilled around us, watching and waiting for the reaction Taylor was sure to have. Watching me for a long silent moment, Taylor's eyes gave away his amusement as his mouth curved into a smirk.
"I need to leave?" He asked and I shrugged, while nodding.
"Them's the rules."
"Them's the rules?" He repeated my words in a question and I nodded, my stoic expression cracking under the pressure. Stepping forward, Taylor grinned in a way I hadn't seen in a while and everything south of my belly button clenched in reaction. This boy had serious control over my body, I didn't even have. Sucking his bottom lip, he continued to move towards me until we were standing nose to nose. I couldn't breathe as I watched those brown eyes change into a colour so sweet, I was sure I had a cavity forming. "I still have a set to do," He whispered to me, moving his hand up my arm, over my shoulder and finding its way to my hair line at the back of my head. I buzzed everywhere he touched me and I should have been sweating I felt so hot. "You sure I can't stay?" He asked, with a light and flirty grin.
"I could probably be persuaded," I breathed out and he chuckled. His eyes took their time moving over my face, taking me in like it was the first time he'd been this close to me. My body was starting to shake with the pressure he was putting me under, to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so badly. Just kiss me already, Taylor.
"You're so beautiful, pumpkin boo," he whispered and it was like ice water had just rushed through the entire gym.
"Urgh," I grunted, while glaring at him and shoved his head away from me.
"What?" He laughed, as I walked away from him and left him standing there.
"You know what, Taylor," I replied as I found my way into the office, grabbed my pay and started for the door again.
"How about jelly bug, then?" He called out, still laughing as I made it to the front door. I turned to face him and realised that we had a captive audience of the entire gym looking at us and our interaction. I guess they had been witnessed to the show we'd put on over the last week. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes at him, I left without another word.

A Boyfriend Like HimWhere stories live. Discover now