~Chapter 4: The Day

Start from the beginning



"Ahm," Sensi came in the dinning room. "Its time," Team 529 shot up and bowed. "Hai! Sensi!" They all took a moment to realise their surrounding. A flashback punched them all on the face. "Hey! You were going to kill us!" Len excliamed.

"Yeah!" his twin continued. "We could have died!"

"I don't feel any different," Killua mentioned.

"Well, are you hungry?" Sensi asked. They all shook their heads. "Well that assures me that you wont eat anything else," he told them. "Now lets each go to the limo to arrive to the meeting in time,"

Each twin had a limo and Sensi had his own. They all looked like each other. Except maybe that Mikasa and Killua are the richest so their limo is a bit bigger. Len and Rins' limo had paint splattered everywhere. Must've been a prank on someone. Chizuko and Nezumis' one had a lot of dents and scratches from fighting. They all hopped into their limo and drove off. Silence overwhelmed each and every limo. Even Len and Rins'! They were all so nervous. They were about to go on a trip that could result to their end. Even Sensi was nervous but-of course- he didnt show it at all. He was so nervous (not about himself, but about Team 529) that he actually put the cat down on the floor next to him and looked the other way at the window!


After the 3 hour trip from the training centre to to the City, Team 529 and their Sensi arrived at the meeting place. The 4 limos stopped and gaurds opened the doors. There was a long red carpet that reached the inside of the building till the elevator. As soon as they stepped out, they heard everyone cheer, clap and whistle. None of Team 529 even smiled. They just walked mechianically towards the elevator. "I know you're nervous but at least smile," Sensi told them. Len grumped  "Why don't you smile first?" he said rudely.

The elevator was glass and it was really huge. You could fit two normal cars in there. Chizuko and Nezumi were counting their breaths. Mikasa and Killua were counting their steps and Len and Rin were just counting randomly.

"Welcome and Hello!" The butler welcomed them as soon as they exited the elevator. "We are honored to have you as our princes and princess! You have brought honor to Planet Roda and we will never forget what you will do for us!"

"Thats what he says every time," Chizuko muttered under her breath.

"I am Micheal and I will be escorting you today! You don't need to introduce yourself since the whole planet knows your name and will never forget it! Team 529, our hopes lie with you," He placed his closed fist on his chest-on his heart- and bowed down.

After a small speech about the plans today, Micheal escorted Team 529 to their seats in the hall. Chizuko and Nezumi counted until 8093 breaths. Mikasa and Killua counted 564 steps. Rin and Len counted until 73649. Then they all held their breath and stopped as they saw their grandfather approach the stage.

Team 529 were cousins. They all shared the same grandfather, His Majesty. As soon as he stepped on the stage, everyone stood up and bowed down. He waved his hand signalling for everyone to sit down again. "I'm sure you all know why we are here today," he started his speech. "6 loyal, royal young men and women are the reason.They have been chosen and they accepted it calmly,"

"No we didnt!!" They all thought.

"They are brave and ready to go, thanks to their great, rank s , teacher. Shun,"

Everyone started to clap. But Team 529 had their jaws hung open. Sensi's name is Shun?! How come they never knew?! They've been with him for 9 years and he never told them. They all glared at him and he just looked the other way.

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