~Chapter 44: Day Fifty-one

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The metallic iron door swished open and Robot-3 screamed another ear-piercing scream then flew inside and the door was slammed shut.
Team 529 let their shoulders go down in relief.
"We're so weak!" Chizuko kicked the metal wall next to her. A few inches above the spot she kicked was a huge slash caused by Robot-3's wing. It was the second time they fight it yet they figured nothing about its hardware or software except that its 'feathers' are actually razors tipped with sharpened diamond, which explains the strong slashes it causes. Killua assumed its program to be simple because it just picks one of them and charges but what confuses him is that, if they prevented the attack, it would simply choose another target. It can't be that simple. He thought.
They were all injured, some because the wing touched them others because the wings just wizzed by so close, the air was so compressed it actually scratched them.
Team 529, all exhausted battered and hopeless, exited the room, slumping and complaining in inaudible mumbles.
"Team 529." Sensi came.
"Hai!" They all stood back straight. Sensi was walking towards them with Skylar skipping next to him.
"You will take the pills that speed up the healing then head over to your jobs."
"What? But-Sensi!" They complained. They only have three weeks left with Skylar, it could be the last time they meet him and they don't want to go to their jobs and waste time there.
"Ren and I will head over to the warehouse where a few talented helpers will be building the spaceshuttle with Ren. I have to supervise them." Sensi simply stated. "The house will be empty, its better if you spend that time doing something useful like working."
"Hai Sensi..." The frowned and looked down.
"Mikasa." Sensi stated looking her way "You will not have a job today, so you will come with Ren and I."
"H-hai!" She smirked towards the rest of her team.
"Killua." Sensi started again "You will try to excuse yourself from your job early and come. I'm sure Kenny will understand."
"The rest of you will come to the warehouse after your jobs have ended since no one will be at the house except my cat and I would not like to have you in the same place as it alone. Again." He glared at them.
"Hai!" They all laughed.

"Off I go!" Killua jumped out of the limo and waved to his team mates then straddled towards the large building.
"Killua!" Kai exclaimed when he saw him "Hey! You came today."
"Yeah." Killua smiled. Johnny, sitting on a computer looked up from the screen and waved to Killua, smiling.
"That kid again?" Matt groaned.
Killua bent towards Kai's ear and whispered. "He has no idea he's currently in a room with 2  'aliens', right?"
Kai laughed and nodded, pushing Killua and saying "Shut up! Its more fun that way."
"Yup. Aliens." Killua said sarcastically, walking over to his computer.
"Aliens?!" Matt exclaimed "Are you still blabbering about that nonsense?? Why don't you go to NASA and ask them to take to the moon next time?"
Kai nearly laughed as Killua leaned back on his chair and tnt-tnt-ed. "Moon? Theres no aliens on the moon! Im going to mars in three weeks, mate. Ill make sure to send you a post card informing you what kind of aliens were there."
"What the hell?!" Matt exclaimed when he saw Kai and Johnny burst out laughing. "Get to work you kids!"
"Hai hai." Killua smirked, giving a sly smile towards Kai. "Do you want a postcard from Mars?"
Kai smirked "Would prefer if it was from Saturn. Send me a sample of the rings too."
"You will get a mail trust me." Killua laughed. "You don't have to get jealous Matt! Ill get you one too."
"Shut up and work!" Matt said angrily.
They all laughed at his anger.

"Bye." Chizujo jumped off the limo and walked into the alleyway, head up and proud. While walking round the corner, she accidently bumped into a man dressed in a tank top.
"A girl?" He said in mock when he saw her.
"A girl who won't forgive you for bumping into her." She glared his way as he laughed, not believing what he was hearing.
"You're just a little girl!" He laughed
Chizuko rolled her eyes then kicked him strong so that he'd hit the wall behind and fall on the ground. Placing on leg on his chest and holding his collar with her right hand, Chizuko smirked evily and lit her left hand on fire. "Just a little girl...?" She slyly stated as he stared with terror at her hand on fire.
Suddenly, she switched it off and jumped away. "Well Sensi will be angry if he found out." She whispered to herself, continuing her path towards the fighting alley.

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