She's finally here, to her favorite place

Libero Underground also known as LU is the very first club she built. A club located underground where everything is allowed

She went straight to the bar stool

"Mazekin? Heey~ I missed you" a tall guy gave her a hug and started kissing her neck but he stopped as soon as he felt the gun she's pointing at him "I see that you're not in the mood"

"Not today Kiall" she annoyingly put the gun on the table

"It is because of the raid? Shaun told me. Come on we have a lot of hideouts"

"But I kinda like that one. Stupid moles"

"Hey my offer is still on the table. I promise that you will feel better after--"

"Go fuck yourself"

"Why not youu~"

He loves to do this type of thing...Annoying her so much until she walks out

"Hey where you going?"

She went to the 2nd floor, drinking her whiskey while watching the dance floor

Everyone's having fun, mostly because they're drunk or high on drugs

Even though she's looking down and facing the dance club, she noticed the guy at the back

"You're going alone?" She asked the guy without looking at him

He's facing her back. It actually doesn't matter if she face him or not, it's too dark to see each other's face

"Yeah. My friend is busy drinking down there so I'll go alone " He said

"Are you sure?" She faced him and gave him a sexy smirk "You won't enjoy it"

"How come?"

His question made her flirty look turned to a serious look

"Are you new? No. It shouldn't be a question. You are new"

"Yeah. I am" he smiled while scratching his nape

"Who invited you here?"

"A friend of mine. Jet"

She knows who he's talking about although it's still weird for her that Jet brought someone like him in this club

For her, he's too innocent to be in this devilish underground

"That room is called Cloud9. Usually they go there with a plus one or two or three doesn't matter how many. No one go there alone, that's lonely. Do you want me to go with you?" She joked around

He's confused "Ahm... I think I can handle. I'm pretty independent"

"If you say so"

He grabbed the door knob and opened... the Sex Room

dO_Ob <--- he looks like that


Who wouldn't be surprise seeing all those naked people?

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" She's teasing him, she's actually enjoying his reaction

d>_<b <-- trying to recover

"If you're not planning to go in, close the door, I don't think they like to have an audience"

He immediately closed the door and faced her. They're looking at each without saying a word. It was an awkward silence... well for him, cuz she's enjoying his reaction

"I'll go ahead" he said awkwardly.


"No thanks. I won't go there inside with you. I'd rather do it with someone I love" and he left

He left her dumbfounded. She wasn't going to ask that but ok

She couldn't help but smile. For a moment she forgot about her problem with the hideout

"Yo, you just got rejected" A not-so-tall skinny guy approached her

"Yes. Yes I did" she played along

"Well there's always a first time Maze"



"Keep an eye on that guy. He's new"

"Sure thing Boss M"


"Confirmed! Jet is here" Dyle said in a very low tone

Jet is a leader of a gang called JXT. He is Deo's mortal enemy and he is also the reason why Dyle's bestfriend is in the hospital right now

They want to get rid of him and for that to happen he have to be in jail. Their plan is to find a proof that he's doing something illegal and tell the cops

Good thing they have a strong solid proof because everything you see here is illegal. Jet have no way out

Unfortunately, they have no idea that the owner of this underground they're planning to get raid of is the leader of the famous and most wanted syndicate

They have no idea that the police have been looking for this secret underground since forever

Getting rid of a small enemy like Jet in exchange for a bigger enemy like Mazekin is not a good move

But they have no idea...

"I'll call the cops now"

They went to the bathroom. Deo called the cops, Dyle did the talking

"Ok. They're on their way now. All we have to do is go straight to the exit and leave this place"

"Alright but be careful. You know the big gang in town? They're here. And it's not just them, all the people here are big people. They're familiar with each other, Deo we have to be more careful"

10 steps away from the bathroom, a drunk girl approached Deo

"Camoooon~ Lez daaanzzzs"

"Get off me!" Deo pushed her a little bit but she overreacted and fell on the floor "the fuck? You an octopus or something?"

"You calling my girl an octopus?" A big guy walk towards them along with his 4 other friends

"No" Dyle blocked Deo from the big guy "it was a joke. He said octopus because she fell like she have no bones. Get it? Octopus have no b--"


He's currently laying on the floor because of the hard punch he just received

Deo tried to punch the guy but his 4 friends stopped him by holding his arms and legs. Now he can't move!

"Too scared to fight me alone so you asked your minions?!"

"What's going on here Rico?" Ben asked them and his friends immediately let go of Deo

"He's flirting with my girl" the guy named Rico said

"Flirting? By calling her an octopus? Are you serious?"

"Doe stop!" Dyle grabbed his shirt "let's go"

But Ben stopped them "Wait. I don't recognize your faces"

He walked towards them to take a closer look of their faces

And next thing that happened was everyone panicking because of the sound of the siren

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now