Sanity Within Humanity

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So let us say we have been pure,
So let us preach that we've remained holy.
So let us pretend that we are silent with our demons.

We are a very boisterous people,
We are a very collective society type people,
We strive for excellence,
We strive for knowledge,
We strive for power.
And when we do so,
we corrupt ourselves.

We shout our demons to all who listen,
All who stand in the way.
Our brains start to ponder,
Wondering and depraved.
Thoughts are twisting,
Stabbing us in the dark.

And by then,
You see,
We've become Madness  , haven't we?

Sit and listen well my dear,
For we must hide away.
Locking our truest souls inside of a birdcage.
They flutter and break out,
Sometimes anyway.

Is who we are in our deepest selves,
The person we should be,
Or should we only aspire,
To become a better actor?

Despite the resistance of the angel's cry,
And the cool temperament of Satan's disposition,
While he slaughters our innocence,
And announces us vile,
We allow this demonization to pour into our hearts.

Savor your moments of happiness,
For soon they might be swept away,
For a time,
And replaced with melancholic personalities.

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