Chapter 25 - Midnight Denny's

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Chapter 25 - Midnight Denny's

"Are your eyes still closed?"


"Good. I'll open the door for you."

"What a gentlemen." I mumble, hearing him open the driver door.

Couple seconds later, my door opens and I feel his hands come in contact with my arm and one of my hands because the other is...covering my eyes. "Hah," With his help, I manage to get out of the car. "It looks like you're the Prince and I'm the person waiting on you." God he's making a reference to that stupid party at that kid Jonathan's.

... God that was MONTHS ago.


I drop my hands from my eyes and... Hah, hah wow, hahAHAHA! WOW! So THIS is the big surprise. A fucking Denny's—oh wait, I'm sorry, no, a Midnight Denny's.

"Midnight Denny's!" He cheers, jumping in front of me and stretching his hands to the air in front of the eatery.

"GOD Nathan." I laugh hysterically. "A fucking Midnight Denny's?"

"Of course!" He takes my hand and slowly leads the way to the doors. "If there's one thing I know about curing a sad heart and winning a good soul, it's through food."

".. Well I haven't eaten in awhile, s-so I guess this is, uh, good!" HAH!

Suddenly, he stops right in front of the door to turn and smirk down at me. What's the holdup? "Theres also another thing that can cure a sad heart and win a good soul."

I snort, snickering quietly. "Fucking iHOP?"

"No. Something incredibly cheesy."

"... Burger Ki-" He leans in and pecks my lips. Again. Twice. This is the fucking SECOND TIME HE HAS DONE THIS! SECOND TIME! And my heart! My HEART! It's gone!

Feeling my face heating up, I push him back and punch him on the arm. And almost the gut too. "What the fuck Nathan!" I hiss in intense...immediate embarrassment.

That was PDA! People fucking witnessed that kiss happen from the INSIDE of the damn... fUCkinG DENNY'S!

"I was going to kiss you in the car, but I didn't want it to get too heated."


"You'll soon learn if you decide to return the favor." He smirks, pushing the door open and leading us inside.

HAH! LEARN WHAT! I gave ZERO consent to that kiss, he-he can't just...fuck with my emotions in that way... And DAMN his lips were soft AGAIN! And DAMN he's still pretty hot—And return the favor? Heated?! Oh dear Lord, the thought of having a make out session with Nathaniel-fucking-Logans?

I'd go to the hospital to be revived because... I'd be out cold.

We go up to the hostess counter and the middle aged woman's huge, eye lining filled, mascara...covered eyes light up and her hot pink lips form a smile. "Nathan! Where've you been honey, its been awhile!"

"I've been around." Nathan says cooly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Mmhm." She averts her gaze to me and I subtly shift to stand a bit behind Nathan. This woman's piercing blue eyes is...literally making me uncomfortable. "Is that your girlfriend?"



Nathan raises our interlocked hands, beaming at the woman. "She's hard to get." ... K, thats it. I slide my hand out from his grip and the woman laughs, taking 2 menus, and telling us to follow her.

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