Chapter 6 - Cruisin' Cousins

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Chapter 6- Cruisin' Cousins

In 2 days, there's a soccer game and it's apparently the biggest game ever because its the championships. It's not at school, it's at some...reserved, public football field and everyone is flipping shit about it.

... And all seniors  MUST show their spirit for the school by wearing our school jackets...which is a black bomber jacket with red sleeves, and our dragon logo on the back.

I'm a junior.

I have no school spirit, nor do I even own such a jacket.

It's lunch time and Misty and I finished up our project, so now we're just sitting at my table together. First time I've had someone sit with me and I didn't growl at them to go away. "Oh yeah," I finish eating my cup of Vanilla pudding, which is SOOOO good. "I caught Nathan and Ramsley together, naked in the football shed."

Misty arches her eyebrow, looking at me incredulously. "Really?" She says, trying to pop her straw their her Caprisun.

"Yes." I say flatly.

"Okay." She chuckles, finally getting her straw through. "I know that they're hooked up in the past, but I don't think they'd do it again...considering they're technically step siblings."

"So its fucking true!" I gasp. I thought I heard shit wrong when Nathan caught me at the mall, but NOPE I heard it right. "How the fuck did that even happened?!"

"Maybe you should ask him that." She nods her head and I turn my head around to see him literally coming directly to us. He's wearing the stupid bomber jacket and I swear, if he gives me shit for not showing school spirit, I'm going to chuck something.

"Don't you have school spirit Charlie?" I reach for Misty's Caprisun, but grabs it before I could and gives me a stern look. Dammit, she already knows me so well.

I inhale sharply and turn to the idiot, glowering up at his infamous smirk. "Whhhyyyy the fuck are you here?"

"The game is in 2 days and I'd expect to have everyone's support, even yours."

"Okay." I clasp my hands together and tap my lips with my pointer fingers. "Nathan, I don't give a shit about soccer or any sport for that matter, so!" I extend my hand out to the exit doors. "Please exit the stage to the left—wh-what do you think you're doing?"

"Sitting down." He pulls out the chair to my right and sits down, so he'd be facing the rest of the other tables around us. I bewilderingly look around and see that people are giving us side-eyes, like what the fuck is Nathan Logans doing, sitting with those losers and not his jock monkeys.

UMMMMMM I'm wondering the same fucking thing!

I know he has friends, he's always walking with some tan, squinty-eyed dude, so where is he? What the hell is going on today, is it Opposite Day? Am I missing something?

"Shouldn't the Virginator be at work right now?"

"Nope, not today." He smirks, leaning back into the chair and crossing his arms. "The engine is running a bit low."

I scoff and look down at my half eaten plate of fries. "That's a first."

"Maybe you should.." I glance at him, running his thumb over his bottom lip mindlessly. "get it running again after the game." He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

... I'm done.

"Maybe you can get it running again yourself." I smile, pushing my chair back and leaving the table.

I said...some form of adios to Misty before I left, BUT she won't care about that. She'll be stuck with the giggling Nathaniel Logans, a fucking dream.

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