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The team landed in unison on the Eiffel Tower. As they encircled their foe, the Papillon straightened his back, standing evenly balanced. His hands rested stiffly on his staff, centering his body. He kept his eyes down, refusing to look at the heroes, especially Ladybug.

"I take it you want to talk," Ladybug spoke. Her voice was firm but gentle. He sighed.

"We should go somewhere that the Parisians cannot watch."

Chat raised his eyebrow, then shook his head at Ladybug. She didn't seem to want to listen to him. She turned and stood on the rail of the Eiffel Tower. Looking back, she nudged her head outwards.

"Let's go, then."

The team sighed. Carapace, Nino's chosen superhero name, and Rena Rouge, Alya's name that was cooler than 'Volpina', Stayed behind the Papillon to keep an eye on him. Queen Bee was behind Ladybug, glancing back at the villain every minute or two.

Chat bounced up to Ladybug. He watched her face as she led the group to an unknown destination.

"Are you sure this is safe? He could have a trap set up for us, or -"

"Chat." He stopped and looked at her. "If he wanted to hurt us, he wouldn't have hesitated to. We've given him plenty of opportunities. He wants to talk."

Chat ran his right hand through his wild locks.

"But how do you know that? He may just be a great actor."

Ladybug shook her head. Looking straight ahead, she replied with confidence.

"Look at his face." Chat turned his head to the side, following her instructions. "See how broken he looks? He's lost, missing part of himself." She placed a small hand on his cheek. "You have the same expression. Whenever you show up in the middle of the night and talk about your father, you look exactly like that. He needs someone to talk to, just like you do, and he trusts us. Even though we are his enemy, he trusts us."

Chat dropped his head, watching his feet as they pranced over buildings. Occasionally, he looked back. Distant eyes. Drooping lids. Downturned edges of the lips, but not in anger. Maybe she was right. Maybe Chloe's idea wasn't far off.

"We're here." Ladybug dropped into the center of the school and headed towards the homeroom classroom. "It's Saturday, so no one will be here. The teachers don't have in-service either, so they shouldn't pop in." Everyone filled in, taking a seat on top of the desks, a rare occasion in school. Ladybug kept her eyes on the Papillon.

"My wish, that I would have made if I could get the miraculouses, is to bring my wife back. She died using the peacock miraculous; it's broken." The Papillon sighed. His hands were slightly cupped, shaking with his words. "I didn't know what to do, but I knew about the miraculouses' wish, so I tried. My anger from her death numbed hurting Paris, but it's getting hard to see you as the bad guys here." He lifted his head as Ladybug placed a hand on his.

"We understand, but we do need your miraculous and the peacock as well. We can try to find a way to bring her back. I can take her miraculous to the guardian; see if he knows anything that will help."

The Papillon slipped a small box into her hands. She nodded and set it next to her yo-yo. His slipped his hands up to his neck, clasping his brooch.

"Moment of truth," Queen Bee uttered.

The Papillon took the brooch off, renouncing his transformation, and slipped it in a box. In his place sat Gabriel Agreste. He passed the box to Ladybug. She took it, reluctantly, and glanced back at Chat. He was frozen, staring at his father. A tear ran down his cheek.

"You wanted to bring her back?" His voice quivered. Gabriel looked at him.

"Yes, what does it mean to you," he replied harshly.

Chat renounced his own transformation. Plagg popped out and looked between the two. He hung his head and flew over to Ladybug.

"Adrien?" Gabriel's eyes started to water.

They stood in silence, staring at each other until Adrien hugged his father. That broke the wall. Gabriel's tears ran freely as he clutched his son's shoulders.

"All along, this was just a family feud." Queen Bee laughed at herself. 

Some families are really messed up.


Sup Dudebros!

This might just be the end! I hope you've liked my story. I may add an epilogue, I'm not sure... 


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