Chapter One: Take Out The Trash

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 "No, no, no!"

Poor Marinette was dashing down the stairs, in a rush to get to school. There was five minutes left until first bell, and she was still at home. Grabbing her homework and a croissant, she ran out the door, and sprinted to school, which, luckily, wasn't that far away.

She pushed through crowds of students and finally made it to her locker. Marinette threw everything in, keeping the few things she needed, and darted to class. Right as she entered the room and sat down, the tardy bell rang.

Just on time.

She sighed in relief. Her best friend, Alya, rolled her eyes. Marinette noticed the teacher was not in the room yet. She was about to say something, when the devil herself began to screech a new student.

"How dare you not know who I am? Are you dumb?" Chloe Bourgeois, the tyrant of the class and the Mayor of Paris's daughter, had clearly been offended. The new student, a boy named Jacob Jimmé, was confused. He had only asked for her name. In shock, he stumbled backwards while apologizing and tripped. He fell and a few onlookers laughed. Jacob tried to get up, only to be pushed down again by Chloe.

"No, no. Stay down. Trash deserves to stay on the floor," Chloe laughed. "You're just like clutzy Marinette Dupain- Cheng, huh. Neither of you know how to use your own feet."

Marinette rolled her eyes and stood up. She walked over to Jacob. After helping him stand up and apologizing for Chloe's behavior, she turned and thought up a wonderful comeback.

"We may not know how to use out feet, but at least we don't abuse our tongues."

With that she went back to her seat, leaving Chloe standing alone, awestruck. She was stammering for something to say, but was interrupted.

"Maybe you should try being nicer, Chloe. People might respect you more and like you better," Marinette offered, sliding in the seat towards Alya. Chloe looked offended.

"I don't take advice from trash." She flicked her hair and walked away.

Just then, Nino and Adrien walked in. They were bumped to the side of the doorway as Jacob ran out. They watched as he ran off with worried eyes. Turning back to the classroom, Adrien spoke up.

"What happened, Chloe?"

At the sound of Adrien's voice, both Chloe and Marinette perked up. Chloe ran to Adrien and wrapped her arms around him. Annoyed, he tried to ply her off.

"Adrikins," she purred, "why would you assume I did something?" She nuzzled into his chest, keeping a death grip on him. Marinette sighed and looked down at her tablet. Adrien glanced at Alya, who was glaring at Chloe.

"Well, Alya and Marinette seem mad at you, and a guy just ran out of the classroom, clearly upset. So, it seems that you must have done something."

Chloe rolled her eyes and let go.

" I only put that piece of garbage in his place. He should've know who I am."

Adrien sighed and went over to his desk. Pulling out his own tablet, he replied to Chloe.

"Chloe, you should try to be kinder to people more often. It leaves a better impact."

"But I am a nice person, Adrikins." She latched herself back onto him.

"I don't see it, Chlo."

Chloe gasped and began to tear up. She ran back to her seat, where Sabrina was waiting to comfort her.

The teacher finally walked in, apologizing for being late. She started class and was mid sentence when part of the outer wall blew up. Everyone screamed and ran out of the room.



Sup Dudebros!

I felt like it. I didn't have homework tonight (hallelujah!) so I decided to get the first chapter out. Tell me how you like it (If anyone reads it)!

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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