Mr. Agreste

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Alya shoved her laptop in front of Marinette and Adrien.

"This is everything I have found." A document with suspects, locations, and images related to the Papillon was pulled up. As they scrolled through, something caught Adrien's attention.

"My dad is a suspect?"

Marinette glanced warily at Alya.

"Yeah," Alya stated. " He had that book, or you said he did, and his logo is literally a butterfly. He also is very distant and not seen much."

"But that doesn't make him a villain," Adrien defended. "He's not evil."

"What if the Papillon's end goal isn't actually evil or whatever," Chloé interjected, her eyes never leaving her phone. She hesitated. "What am I saying, it definitely is." She tossed her hair over her shoulder.

Marinette scrunched her face.

"Maybe it isn't. What if he isn't dark-hearted, but doesn't know another way to get to his goal?" Marinette rubbed her hands together. "What if we are actually stopping him from doing something good?"

The whole team was silently staring at the ground. Alya's phone buzzed, disrupting their thoughts. She lifted it and read the notification.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" She showed them the headline on her phone screen.

                                                   PAPILLON SPOTTED AT EIFFEL TOWER


Sup Dudebros!

Double update, but short chapters so it probably doesn't count.

Well, you're welcome, anyway!


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