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The next day, Nick had made breakfast for Shego but Shego haven't came out of the room only for to take a shower and use the bathroom but she was completely ignoring him.

"Shego come on have some breakfast with me!"

He yelled out.

"I don't want no rabbit food!"

She yelled back.


He yelled annoyed.

"Just leave me alone Dad!!!"

She yelled. Nick let out a sigh.

'Well at least she still calls me Dad'

He thought to himself. He then heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and was surprise to see Judy.

"Hi Nick"

She said softly. Nick slightly smiled as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


He said lowly as he let her in.

"So, how's everything since yesterday?"

She asked.

"Not so good, she's ignoring me"

A moment of silence past as they sat in the couch. Judy gently placed her paw on his arm.

"How about if I go try talking to her?"

"I don't know if that's going to do any good. I have a plan but I know she's not going to like it"

"Just let me take the shot"

"Okay then but don't say I didn't warn you"

He said. They both stood up and made their way to the bedroom. Nick knocked on it lightly.

"Shego, Judy wants to talk to you alone okay. So please be nice"

Nick said sternly. He turn the door knob and open the door letting Judy in before closing the door behind her. Leaving both the girls alone. Judy smiled as she saw Shego sitting on the bed staring off into space.

"Nice room"

She commented but Shego said nothing. Judy slowly made her way to Shego.

"Shego have I done something to offend you?"

Shego remained quiet and she turn to her, glaring at Judy

"Look I know you don't like me but we both share something in common"

Shego remained quiet as she jumped off the bed and walked to her closet. Judy decided to continue to talk.

"We both want to see Nick happy right? He's more happier then I ever seen him been because he found you. Sure I'm with him but knowing that he has a daughter lighten up his world"

Shego turn to look at Judy. Judy slightly smiled hoping that she got through to her, but her smiled drop as she saw Shego took out a suitcase and opened it up.

"Shego please don't do this, you are going to break his heart, if you go"

Shego began to gather her clothes and fold them placing them inside the suitcase. Judy quickly panic.

"Look, why don't you like me?"

She asked hurriedly but Shego continued to ignore her.

"Shego if you want me to leave then that will only upset your father. He needs both of us"

Shego grabbed her extra pair of shoes and placed them in the suitcase. Hair accessories, perfume, nail accessories and placed them inside the small backpack.

"Shego are you even listening?"

Judy asked as she gently placed her paw on Shego's shoulders but Shego shoved her away.

"Are you done lecturing me?"

Judy was about to comment but Shego cut her off.

"There's the door. You can go now"

She said as she went back to packing. Judy had enough and kicked the suitcase away from Shego. Shego stood up and glared. Judy's anger soon faded as she realized there mistake, she had completely forgotten that she was in a room with a fox that wasn't happy to see her.

"I said LEAVE NOW!!!"

Shego shouted angrily. Judy nodded quickly, finally recognizing that she couldn't do or say anything helpful right now.

"Yeah, sure. I'm going. See? This is me…leaving."

She headed for the door, pausing only long enough to throw Shego a glance full of abject apology before closing the door behind herself quietly, all the while looking like the puppy someone had just kicked. Nick looked up from his spot in the couch and saw Judy.

"How did it go?"

He asked her. Judy let out a sigh.

"She really hates me"

"What was she doing?"

"She was just staring off into space and when I started talking to her, she began packing up her suitcase. Nick I feel like this is my fault"

She said sadly. Nick slowly walked up to her.

"No it's not, it's just hard for Shego to settle the information in, don't forget she was raised her whole life with wolves and we just found out we are a family and finding out about us. It's just too much for her to take it in."

"So what are you gonna do?"

"Last night I talk to Finnick and he agreed to have Shego stay with him. Maybe he can knock some since into her better than I could."

"Does he had kids?"

"Are you kidding? He looks like one"

He said with a slight smile. The heard a sound of a door opening, they turn their heads and saw Shego wearing a sweater and was carrying her backpack and suitcase. She looked up to her father completely ignoring at the fact that Judy was in the room.

"I don't want to live with you anymore, I am old enough to make my own decision and I am capable of surviving on my own"

Judy was surprise and look to Nick. Nick was biting the inside of his cheek, he was crestfallen at the fact his daughter didn't no longer want to stay with him. He cleared up his throat and walked up to Shego placing a hand on her shoulder but she brushed him off.

"I'm gonna give you one last chance. I'm gonna leave you with a friend"

Shego rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to drop you off with him and you better listen to everything he tells you"

He said sternly. Nick had said his goodbye to Judy as he took Shego to the car, he offered to carry the suitcase but she held it tighter, he opened the passenger door for her but instead she sat in the back. Nick let out a sigh.

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