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The few days Nick and Shego were getting more acquainted and Shego was now leaning more towards having a chance to find her father.

"How can you be so sure that you can keep you're promise?"

Shego asked fidgeting her finger. Nick smiled at her kindly.

"Because I give you my word"

Nick said gently. Shego was once again in the warehouse babysitting Nick.

"You promise that I won't go back to the orphanage?"

"I promise"

Nick said sincerely. Shego closed her eyes as she took a deep breathe and walked towards the desk and got the key from the drawer.

"Um Shego, you won't be needing that key"

He said out loud. Shego opened her eyes and turn around to face Nick.

"What do you mean?"

"Just don't worry about me, we just need to make a plan for to make it look like I escaped"

"But I am going to release you"

Nick chuckled and smiled sheepishly.

"Actually I could have escape a long time ago"


She asked with a raised eyebrow and gasp in surprise as Nick pulled his arms around to his lap and the cuff was still only on one wrist while the other was released.

"But how...?"

"Like I told you before I used to be a con-artist, those skills don't just disappear"

"Wait then why did you stay? You could have died"

Shego asked confused.

"I kind of enjoyed your company and plus I wouldn't have died, I handled someone that was like your boss before. I knew my limit"

He said as he stood up and stretched.

"So you knew about the muzzled?"

Nick's ears went down.

"Actually that really did caught me off guard"

"Then what's the plan, because one thing for sure is that I don't want to get caught"

Shego said concern. Nick placed his paw on her shoulder as he bend down slightly to look at her.

"Don't worry, I'm good at what I do"

*Later That Night*

Shego was deep asleep when the sound of police sirens wailed startled her. She quickly sat up and pulled the binds to see police cars surrounding the house. Her door slammed open, it was her boss and he was in panic.

"Shego let's go! That cop had escaped!!"

He yelled. Shego quickly put on her jacket as her father grabbed her hand and pulled her running towards the back door but it was knocked down by a big Buffalo holding a gun towards them.

"Freeze!! Hands in the air!!"

He shouted. The boss and Shego raised both their hands in the air, none of them resist along with the other wolves. They placed hand cuffs on the boss, he looked to Shego as they pulled him away.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll find us a way out. I'll come get you!!"

He shouted. A tiger then walked up to Shego and placed the handcuffs on her and put her inside the police car. Shego looked down at her laps and then out towards the window.

'I hope I made the right choice'

She thought sadly to herself. The cops then drove Shego to the police station and began to ask her basic questions.

"Um excuse, where is officer Nick Wilde?"

She asked. The tiger looked to Shego.

"You are in no position to ask for anyone young lady, you kidnap our pal and now you want to see him. Oh man"

He said letting out a sigh.

"They just keep getting younger"

Shego frown at him and turn to her surrounding trying to see if she spot Nick. The tiger then stood up from his chair and forced Shego to stand up too and began to walk back to the police car. Shego frown.

"Hey where are we going?"

"Where all kids go, who doesn't have a family"

Shego's eyes open wide and stopped dead in her tracks.

"Hey kid, move it"

"I am not going back, I demand to speak to Nick"

She said angrily.

"And I said move it!"

He shouted at her as he forced her into the police car. Shego began to panic as tears were gathering in the corner of her eyes and she began to push against the door. The car started up and Shego began to cry.

"Stop, please I don't want to go back, please Nick promised"

She pleaded. The tiger laughs.

"Never trust a fox kid, and you should know you're the exact same way"

Shego sadly looked down.


"Just shut up and enjoy the ride"

He said as he turned up the radio ignoring Shego's cries. Shego looked down in her lap.

'I ruined everything, just to find my father and now I may never get a chance. Stupid Nick, stupid cop, and stupid me'

She thought bitterly. Pretty soon the car came to a stop and Shego got out of the car still in hand cuffs as the officer took her to the front desk.


"Yeah I'm here to sign in a teenage orphan, I believe she has been here before"

The receptionist look to her screen and nodded.

"Yes, please follow the staff that would escort you to the room."

"You can go now"

Shego said to the tiger angrily. The tiger smirked at her.

"Not a chance, now let's go"

Together they followed the staff that lead them to the furtheres room.

"Why so far?"

The tiger asked.

"We don't really get teenagers here, all the young ones get adopted fast and plus it's very rare when a teenager gets a adopted but since she does have a record it will be harder for her to get adopted to a new family"

The staff replied as she opened the door. Shego remained quiet as she stepped in and sat on the bed. The tiger walked up to her and uncuffed her.

"There now, no more running off and playing villain"

He said leaving Shego alone in the empty room where only a bed and a shelf remained. Shego looked out to the window sadly.

'Where are you Nick?'

She thought.

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