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"He is going to be your new foster father"

The mistress answered. Shego's eyes open wide at the unexpected news. Nick smiled at her shock expression before looking back to the mistress.

"So where do I sign?"

He asked. Without any words Shego through herself to Nick giving him the biggest hug in gratitude. Nick chuckled as Shego surprisingly snuggled up to him.

"Shego hahaha if you want to get out of here then I'm gonna have to sign"

Shego immediately pulled away but remained holding on to Nick's shirt, hoping for the moment not to be a dream. After a couple of papers, the mistress stood up and Nick and Shego stood up as well.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this to you Mr. Wilde but anyone would be crazy to adopt someone who kidnapped them in the first place"

"That makes me one of them and plus I didn't ask for your opinion. Thank you ma'am"

He said as he shook her hand and began to walk away with a smirking teenage fox quickly following him, she couldn't stop herself from smiling too much. They left the office and stepped into the hallway.

"Shego do you have anything you want to take with you?"

He asked. Shego nodded.

"Yeah, I just need to get my bag, don't go anywhere"

She stated seriously before she ran back to her room and got her belongings and ran back out to crash into Nick. Nick laughs.

"What's the rush?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow. Shego looked up at him and quickly embraced him tightly.

"You broke your promise"

She siad quietly before pulling away.

"What did I do this time?"

He asked as he placed both his hands inside his pocket.

"I told you not to make me cry"

"Hahaha come on, let's go get you settle down"

Together Nick and Shego left the orphanage and headed to Nick's apartment.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Nick asked as he opened the door and put the keys on the counter as Shego closed the door.

"Yes please"

Nick got a cup and pour some juice before handing it to her.

"Okay now I know this place isn't much because let's face it I wasn't really expecting company. Now for today we are just going to relax, it's been hard for the last couple of months and then tomorrow we can go take you shopping for new clothes or other stuff that girl's need and then the following day we can go and search for you dad, sounds good?"

He asked as he stopped to look to Shego who was sitting on the couch and watching him pace back and forth. Shego nodded.

"But one small thing"

"What is it?"

"What if I don't find my dad? Or if he doesn't want me?"

She asked quietly. Nick smiled at her.

"Simple, you will still stay here with me because now I'm officially your foster father"

Shego couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Nick for everything"

"No problem kid, so you can take a nap in my room and I will take the couch"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now go on and get some rest"

Shego nodded as she stood up and carried her bag into her new room. Nick smiled as he let out a sigh and sat down on the couch.

"Man, kids are stressful"

He said as he cracked his neck.


Shego shouted from the room causing Nick to cringe that he completely forgot about the walls.


He shouted back. He then let out a yawn as he laid down stretched on the couch. He crossed her arms underneath his head as he faced the ceiling, he smiled as he closed his eyes to take a quick nap. He then opened his eyes as he remembered when he came back to the police department, Judy was so thrilled and was in tears as she saw him but the most surprisingly part was that after the whole incident, she confessed to him.


"Nick you have no idea how relieved I am to see you are doing well"

Nick smiled at her.

"I'm fine Carrots, I can take care of myself"

He said with a grin as he took a bite of his burger from the lack of food when he was held hostage even though Shego kept him hydrated.

"Um Nick"

Nick stopped to look to Judy and saw she was blushing and was avoiding his eyes.


"Nick, when you were gone, I completely lost it"

Nick smirked at her.

"Hey I get it, you missed me..."

"No that's not it"

She said cutting him off.

"It made me realize how much you really mean to me. I missed you more than just a friend. What I'm trying to say is that....Nick I love you"

She said before throwing herself to Nick and pressed her lips to his causing his eyes to fly wide open at the confession and the action. Nick smiled before he closed his eyes and returned the kiss just as passionate. The soon pulled away staring into each other's eyes as he gently caress her furry face.

"I never thought you will feel the same way, Carrots"

"So does this mean we can go out?"

"Uh...actually babe there is something I gotta do first but I'll make it up to you"

He said gently. Judy giggled.

"Babe, huh? I like it"

She said gently before pressing her lips to Nick once again.

"I love you Carrots"

Nick said as they pulled away.

"I love you too, my sly fox"

She said huskily.

End Of Flashbacks

Nick smiled as he opened his eyes.

'I wonder if we can be a family, but that's if Shego finds her father or not and maybe Judy can be a mother to her. I'm sure Shego will love that'

He thought in wonder as he closed his eyes and drift off too sleep.

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