Chapter 24-Visitors

Start from the beginning

Cam-(picks up Ty and tickles him) I was getting to that! (puts him down and kisses his cheek) Hey lil man

Ty- Hi :)

Liv-Hi babe. What ya cookin? It smells sooooo good

Cam-It's a surprise

Liv-Oh ok. Come on Ty, let's go upstairs and take our baths, then we can have dinner with daddy

Ty-Ok. I'll race you upstairs

Liv-Sure, why not

Ty-On your mark, get set, GO! (runs upstairs really fast)

Liv-(slowly waddles after him holding her belly)

In Cam and Liv's room...

Liv-Ok, shower done. Where's the lotion? (starts rumaging through the dresser than a medium sized black box falls to the floor and Liv picks it up) What the? (opens the box and gasps) You've GOT to be kidding me! (shakes her head in disappointment)

Back at the Dricki house, Nicki and Austin finally made it home...

Nicki-Baby!! (jumps on Drake)

Drake-What the hell took you so long?!

Nicki-(slaps the back of his head) Why are you yelling at me?!

Drake-(starts whispering) Your ghetto ass aunty is here with all her ratchet children


Drake-Look, they in the living room

Nicki-(goes in the living room, gasps, then drops her shopping bags) AUNTY JANET!!!! (runs over to Janet and gives her a bear hug)

Janet-(hugging her back) O'Nika, my lil flower!!!

Nicki-Aunty, what are you doing here?

Janet-I came to see you

Nicki-Oh, well your welcome to stay as long as you need to


Nicki-(gives Drake a "shut the hell up, this my blood" look) As long as you need to Aunty

Janet-Oh god! Thankyou Nicki!

Nicki-(looking at the kids) Well you guys grew up really fast... Jordan your almost as tall as me!

Jordan-Yea, you're short

Nicki-Lil boy! Anyway, awww Janelle, you're still a lil cutie pie! Jaylise, you're getting so grown, you're so pretty

Jaylise-Thanks, I'm starting high school next year

Nicki-And James, I'm loving the cape you got on boo. Very Superman-ish

James-That's the look I was going for!

Nicki-(smiles) I remember when I was a little girl in Trinidad and I used to stay with Granny. Aunty Janet, whenever you came over, I was so happy. You used to bring us bread, and soup, and roti. And you used to make clothes for my baby doll... (sighs) Oh childhood, where have the days gone?

Janet-Aww, Nicki, I can't believe you still remeber that.

Nicki-Yea... Austin, come here. Now, you haven't seen this lady since you were a baby. But this is great aunt Janet. She helped raise me.

Austin-Hi. Its nice to meet you... again Aunt Janet (they hug)

Janet-Lawd! What is taking this gal so long at the store???


Janet-Joseline, I sent her for some ice cream and its almost been an hour!

Nicki-I have'nt deen Joseline in years, she must be so grown

Life After Tragedy: A Dricki SequelWhere stories live. Discover now