"Ouch! No shit, Sherlock," he said. I began laughing again, and he pushed me onto the floor. "God, Rosaline. Thank you for your hospitality, kind help, and support," the sarcastic was blatant in his voice.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to rub it, kiss it, or take you to the hospital?" I used sarcastic right back, settling myself back onto the couch, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

"Kiss it," he pouted.

Ah... I figured, since he is one cheeky fella. I mentally rolled my eyes.

I touched his cheek, "Yeah, you keep dreaming, and I'm going out."

I didn't particularly know where I wanted to go, but I just didn't want to stay in the house all day. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon. I slipped on my red converse and my jacket, and picked Sophia up, and grabbed her jacket, she'd already had her shoes on.

"You coming or what?" I said, to the boy still sitting on the couch, looking confused.

He was staring at me like I had bugs in my hair.

"Huh? Oh, Um... Yeah." Niall hopped up and tossed the frozen vegetables onto the coffee table.

"Put your shirt back on, kid." I said regardless him being older than me.


We were walking for quite a while. With no exact destination.

Reading my mind, Niall asked, "Where we going?"

"I dont know, where do you want to go?"

"I'm tired!" Sophia pouted.

"I got an idea," Niall said, pulling me in all kinds of directions.

We arrived to a hotel with big white letters that read, La Bella Plaza. I've passed this place a lot in the last few months, and not once did I noticed the name. It sounded like an Italian name. What is an Italian hotel doing in the middle of London? Weird, I thought. I didn't ask why we were here, because it kind of was obvious.

When we arrived to floor 13, the highest floor in the building, Niall led me to a double door hotel room, and slid his key card in.

"Hey, Mates." he greeted the four lads. "Do us a favor, yeah? Watch Sophia for us..." he motioned to the sleeping girl in my arms.

"We don't know how to babysit!" Zayn yelled. "And you know that!"

"Shut up, moron," I yell whispered, "She's sleeping, so all you have to do is be quiet, and when she wakes up, feed her, and play with her. Or just put cartoons on."

"Great. Now we have two babies to take care of," Harry muttered, tapping away on his iPhone.

"Hey! I heard that." Louis said, popping his head out of the refrigerator with a carrots in his mouth.

I attempted to refrained from laughing, at the childish idiot.

"I'd be glad to," Liam said, rolling his eyes at the three boys, walking towards me, and taking Sophia.

"Thank you, Liam. Atleast someone is nice!" I responded, making emphasis so they know how I feel about them. "We'll be back in a couple hours."

And before Liam could respond, Niall was already pulling me out of the room.

"Whoa, buddy. Where are we going and why are we in a rush?" I giggled, at the excitement in the blonde's face.

We were now in the elevator.

"Because..." he said smiling enthusiastically dragging the end of the word.

"Why?" I smiled, nudging him in the arm with my elbow.

"I want to take you some place, but we have to be there before it gets dark." he shrugged.

"Let me guess... You're not gonna tell me either?"

"Nope," he said, popping the p sound and shaking his head vigorously with his head held high.

Ahhh... The boy was full of surprises. I think, I've had enough for the day. Because after all, he did show up at my house without calling or warning me. Stupid me left the door unlock. But... what would he have done if it wasn't unlocked? Probably come in through a window or sit out there like an idiot.


"Open your eyes love," Niall whispered. His hot breathe tickled my neck, making me shiver.

I opened my eyes to see a body of water, that looked sort of colorful as the sun reflected back on it. I couldn't think straight. Words couldn't describe how beautiful the sight was. It was probably as beautiful as Niall's eyes.

Across the water, I could see a big chunk of rocks, the same as the one we were standing on. I turned around so I could tell Niall how beautiful it was, but I couldn't find him. I began to panic, turning in circles, before I finally spotted him up further, sitting on the ledge of rocks. Without thinking, I went and sat next to him.

"Nialler, it's beautiful," I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"Ahh, it's all right, I suppose," he said.

"And why do you say that?" I said looking up at him.

He looked back at me, "Because nothing nor no one is as beautiful as you," Niall whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair that happen to escape my bun, and tucking it behind my ear.

I felt my cheeks get hot, and I knew that they were rosy pink. He looked back out at the water, and I hid my face in his shoulder.

"Now tell me..." he started.

"Hmmm?" I hummed, lifting my head.

He was still looking at the water. "...Did that kiss mean anything to you?"

That was far from what I was expecting. What am I suppose to do? Lie to him? Or share my embarassing secret. Of course I loved it, and I didn't regret it.

My heart begun racing. "Uh..." I hesitated, stuttering. "Y-Yeah, it did..."

His eyes looked like they were about to fall out of his head. "It... It did?"

I tooked a deep breath. I knew this would happen sooner or later. "Yeah... I've had feelings for you for as long as I could remember. And I'll be the first to admit that it hurts, how there are a million girls that are beautiful out there, and actually have a chance to be with you. And there's some that might even be your future wife, and I--" I sighed. "I can't compare to them. And I know you dont feel the same--"

Before I could continue my worthless rant, his warm pink lips crashed against mine, making me forget what I was going to say. His hands cupped my face. I couldn't resist either, I kissed him back. My stomach was flipping like somersaults.

We finally pulled away. Does that means he likes me too? I bit my bottom lip, blushing, and looking down at my red converse. If he's kissed me more than once, what did that makes us?

"No... Correction. They can't compare to you."

Never Forget [book one]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora